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Grand edition dedicated to artist Caballero (b. Bogotá- d. Paris 1995), following his intertwined personal and professional trajectory. The book offers a general panorama of the evolution of both the artist and the individual, reflected in his masterly created canvases (sometimes autobiographical) of dramatic scenes where naked figures of male teenagers contortioned in agonic artistic representations of "violence and ecstasies, the last one perceived from a religious not an erotic point of view". Caballero became an artistic force in Colombian art when his 3D panels "La cámara del amor" won the first prize in the Bienal Iberoamericana de Pintura de Coltejer in 1968 in Medellín and where he rescued the Latin aesthetic tradition that "the human body is beauty and harmony". Some critic texts by Caballero were previously published in the book "Me tocó ser así", exhibition catalogues and interviews.
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Catalogs, Nude in artEdition | Availability |
Luis Caballero: Homenaje
June 1, 2008, Villegas Editores
in Spanish
9588306078 9789588306070
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