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"This 47-page report is based on four months of field research in Bujumbura and four rural provinces. The report documents numerous incidents of violence, at least one fatal, carried out by and against members of political parties as a means of settling political scores. Most of the violence has involved the ruling National Council for the Defense of Democracy-Forces for the Defense of Democracy (CNDD-FDD) and its closest competitor in the upcoming elections, the National Liberation Forces (FNL). With a few exceptions, police have failed to carry out thorough investigations, and no one has been prosecuted for the vast majority of these incidents."--Human Rights Watch website.
Methodology -- Recommendations -- Background -- Violence between youth groups and other party militants -- Potentially politically motivated murders and attacks -- Symbolic violence and destruction of property -- Threats -- Impunity for past killings and attacks -- Reaction of government, police and judiciary -- Role of international actors.
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"We'll tie you up and shoot you": lack of accountability for political violence in Burundi
2010, Human Rights Watch
in English
1564326349 9781564326348
Book Details
Edition Notes
This report was researched and written by Neela Ghoshal--Acknowledgements.
"May 2010"--P. following t.p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Also available via the Internet on the Human Rights Watch web site.
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