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Correspondence, Early works to 1800, Education, Éducation, Ouvrages avant 1800, Église catholique, Catholic Church, HistoryPeople
Silvio Antoniano (1540-1603)Places
16th centuryEdition | Availability |
Silvio Antoniano: un umanista ed educatore nell'età del rinnovamento cattolico (1540-1603)
2010, EUM
in Italian
- Nuova ed., ampliata e aggiornata.
8860562449 9788860562449
Book Details
Table of Contents
v. 1. Vita e opere
v. 2. Documenti e lettere
v. 3. Edizione commentata.
Edition Notes
Issued in a case.
Includes (in volume 3) an edition of Antoniano's Tre libri dell'educatione christiana dei figliuoli.
Includes bibliographical references.
The Physical Object
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