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Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Economic policyEdition | Availability |
Nations and Households in Economic Growth: Essays in Honor of Moses Abramovitz
2014, Elsevier Science & Technology Books
in English
1483261204 9781483261201
Nations and households in economic growth: essays in honor of Moses Abramovitz.
1974, Academic Press
in English
0122050509 9780122050503
Book Details
Table of Contents
Microeconomic foundations: Arrow, K. J. The measurement of real value added.
David, P. A. Fortune, risk, and the microeconomics of migration.
Easterlin, R. A. Does economic growth improve the human lot?
Kuznets, S. Income-related differences in natural increase; bearing on growth and distribution of income.
Reder, M. W. An economic theory of imperialism.
Sanderson, W. C. Does the theory of demand need the maximum principle?
Scitovsky, T. Are men rational or economists wrong?
Macroeconomic performance; Growth and stability: Cheetham, R. J., Kelley, A. C., and Williamson, J. G. Demand, structural change, and the process of growth.
Friedman, M. Monetary policy in developing countries.
Ginzberg, E. Government; the fourth factor.
Hickman, B. G. What became of the building cycle?
Mathieson, D. J. and McKinnon, R. I. Instability in underdeveloped countries.
Moore, G. H. Economic indicator analysis during 1969-72.
Tarshis, L. The dollar standard and the level of international reserves.
Thomas, B. Long swings and the Atlantic economy; a reappraisal.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographies.
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