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Rural poor, Farm produce, Globalization, Agricultural contractsPlaces
AsiaEdition | Availability |
Making globalization work better for the poor through contract farming
2014, Asian Development Bank
in English
9292546120 9789292546120
Book Details
Table of Contents
Global partnership in poverty reduction / S. Setboonsarng
Overview of contract farming in Thailand / S. Sriboonchitta and A. Wiboonpongse
Methodology and empirical methods to mitigate selection bias / P.S. Leung and J. Cai
Contract farming and poverty reduction, the case of organic rice contract farming in Thailand / J. Cai, S. Setboonsarng, and P.S. Leung
Rice contract farming in Lao PDR / S. Setboonsarng, A. Stefan, and P.S. Leung
Rice contract farming in Cambodia / J. Cai [and three others]
Standards and agricultural trade in Asia / D. Giovannucci and T. Purcell
Food safety and information and communication technology traceability systems, lessons from Japan for developing countries / J. Sakai, S. Setboonsarng, and L. Vancura
International supply chain management through contract farming, experience of Japanese firms in selected Asian countries / S. Setboonsarng
Is a written or verbal contract better for farmers? case study of asparagus contract farming in Thailand / T. Munjaiton, J. Cai, S. Setboonsarng, and P.S. Leung
International social contract farming, case of banana export from Thailand to Japan / T. Munjaiton, S. Setboonsarng, and P.S. Leung.
Edition Notes
"Publication stock no. BKK135593-2"--Page facing title page.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
In English.
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