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The authors give streamlined and/or clearer proofs for many fundamental results and treat some classical material in an innovative manner. In particular, they emphasize the interplay between arithmetical and structural results, and the authors also introduce Berlekamp algebras in a novel way which provides a deeper understanding of Berlekamp's celebrated factorization algorithm.
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Topics in Galois Fields
September 30, 2020, Springer
in English
- First edition
3030608042 9783030608040
Book Details
Table of Contents
Edition Notes
Includes modern material that has not appeared in book form before. Develops the theory from the basics and includes a thorough discussion of infinite algebraic extensions of. Galois fields and generators thereof.
Emphasizes (the concrete construction of) particular generators for Galois field extensions, which are motivated by several applications.
Contains reference (at page 761) and index (at page 777)
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Work Description
This monograph provides a self-contained presentation of the foundations of finite fields, including a detailed treatment of their algebraic closures. It also covers important advanced topics which are not yet found in textbooks: the primitive normal basis theorem, the existence of primitive elements in affine hyperplanes, and the Niederreiter method for factoring polynomials over finite fields.
The book provides a thorough grounding in finite field theory for graduate students and researchers in mathematics. In view of its emphasis on applicable and computational aspects, it is also useful for readers working in information and communication engineering, for instance, in signal processing, coding theory, cryptography or computer science.
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