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A systematic and thorough study of terra-cotta figurines of the type "woman with a dove," looking at where the production of these figurines originated, and how their distribution area developed in a complex and varied market. The author examines the evidence for these figurines in Phoenician and Punic culture, from the Levant to the island of Ibiza. She differentiates the typical production of Phoenician (or Phoenico-Cypriot) artisans from purely Cypriot production, and she makes a distinction between Greek imports and local products created using a Greek model. A typological classification and iconological analysis is accompanied by a review of literary and iconographical sources, along with an analysis of their archaeological contexts.
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Terrecotte femminili "con colomba": diffusione dell'iconografia nel mondo fenicio-punico : gli esemplari selinuntini del Museo "A. Pepoli" di Trapani
2013, Bonsignori Editore
in Italian
8875974322 9788875974329
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Revised and expanded version of the author's thesis (laurea)--Università degli studi della Tuscia, 2005.
Selinunte, Greek archaeological site near Trapani (Sicily).
Includes bibliographical references.
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