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Science, Congresses, Cognition, Cognitive scienceEdition | Availability |
The Cognitive turn: sociological and psychological perspectives on science
1989, Kluwer Academic Publishers
in English
0792303067 9780792303060
Book Details
Table of Contents
The units of analysis in science studies / Ronald N. Giere
Contributions of psychology to an integrative science studies / William R. Shadish, Jr. and Robert A. Neimeyer
Error and scientific reasoning / Michael E. Gorman
Scientific cognition : hot or cold? / Paul Thagard
Tacit knowledg and the problem of computer modelling cognitive processes in science / Stephen P. Turner
Granny, the naked emperor, and the second cognitive revolution / Beatrice de Gelder
Cognitive process and social practice : the case of experimental macroscopic physics / Terry Shinn
Models of language learning and their implications for social constructionist analyses of scientific belief / Donald T. Campbell
Professor Campbell on models of language-learning and the sociology of science / David Bloor
Reductionist rhetoric : expository strategies and the development of the molecular neurobiology of behavior / Edward Manier
Representation, cognition, and self : what hope for an integration of psychology and sociology? / Steve Woolgar
Integrating the science studies disciplines / Thomas Nickles.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographies and index.
Selected papers of the Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook conference, held at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Nov. 23-25, 1987.
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