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Preventive detentionEdition | Availability |
Preventive detention: asking the fundamental questions
2013, Intersentia Publishing Ltd.
in English
1780681178 9781780681177
Book Details
Table of Contents
Preventive detention : asking the fundamental questions -- Patrick Keyzer
Preventive detention -- Vivien Stern
Preventive detention in Europe, the United States, and Australia -- Christopher Slobogin
Preventive detention in England and Wales : a review under the human rights framework -- Kris Gledhill
The new face of preventive detention in New Zealand : public protection orders -- Warren Brookbanks
The rehabilitation of preventive detention -- Brendan Gogarty, Benedict Bartl and Patrick Keyzer
Anti-terror preventive detention and the independent judiciary -- Rebecca Welsh
Redress for unlawful imprisonment -- Ian Freckelton
Humpty Dumpty and risk assessment : a reply to Slobogin -- Ian Coyle and Robert Halon
Assessing risk for preventive detention of sex offenders : the dichotomy between community protection and offender rights is wrong-headed -- Astrid Birgden
The prison : it's contribution to punishment, rehabilitation and public safety -- Andrew Coyle
Preventive detention beyond the law : the need to ask socio-political questions -- Arlie Loughnan and Sabine Selchow.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references.
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