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"The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions (HCPI) is designed to serve as a comprehensive reference guide to our accumulated knowledge and the cutting edge of scholarship about political institutions in the comparative context. It differs from existing handbooks in that it focuses squarely on institutions but also discusses how they intersect with the study of mass behaviour and explain important outcomes, drawing on the perspective of comparative politics"--
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Comparative government, Political science, POLITICAL SCIENCE / General, POLITICAL SCIENCE / International Relations / General, POLITICAL SCIENCE, Essays, Government, General, National, Reference, Politique comparée, Institutions politiques, Sciences politiques, Comportement politique, Politische Institution, Vergleichende politische Wissenschaft, Jämförande politik, StatsvetenskapEdition | Availability |
Routledge handbook of comparative political institutions
2015, Routledge
in English
0415630886 9780415630887
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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