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"Converging Identities is a volume of sixteen essays analyzing the issues of blackness and identity in the African Diaspora in global perspective, but focusing on the United States, the Caribbean, and Latin America. Given the historical factors that prompted Africans to populate different parts of the world, the subject of blackness as a form of identity is relevant. In modern times, blackness and identity are popular subject matters in view of the historic election of U.S. President Barack Obama in 2008."--Page [4] of cover.
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Converging identities: Blackness in the modern African diaspora
2013, Carolina Academic Press
in English
1611631378 9781611631371
Book Details
Table of Contents
Part I. The modern African diaspora in global perspective --
Are you "Black" or "ethnic"? : the dichotomous framing of immigrant identity -- Philip A. Kretsedemas
Blacks in France : a minority or a community? -- Gado Alzouma
The comfort of Blackness : using cultural immersion to promote mental health -- Barbara F. Streets
Envisioned communities : the African diaspora in and interwar race films -- Cara Caddoo
The middleman speaks : race, citizenship, and labor in The beautiful things that heaven bears -- Julie Iromuanya
Beyond racial myths, prejudices and stereotypes : deconstructing African/Black diaspora studies in a changing world -- Okpeh Ochayi Okpeh
Part II. The modern African diaspora and Black identity --
Black like who? Race and the cosmopolitan self identity of Barack Obama -- Hettie V. Williams
Black first, but not only : racial identity formation in a changing Black 'hood' -- Barbara Combs
The African diaspora in the US : cultural clash and identity challenges -- Julius O. Adekunle
The things they carried : knowledge and information transfers from West Africa to Low Country Georgia -- Karen Bell
"Is the Negro like other people?" : race, religion, and the didactic oratory of Henry McNeal Turner -- Andre E. Johnson
Part III. The Black diaspora in Latin American identity and culture --
From "pardo" and "preto" into negro : Blackness in contemporary Brazil -- G. Reginald Daniel
Afrolatinidada online : Afro-Puerto Ricans and Afro-Dominicans constructing identity in cyberspace -- Ashley D. Aaron
Louisiana creoles and latinidad : locating culture and community -- Andrew Jolivette and Haruki Eda
Stereotypes of Afro-Peruvians through the media : the case of the Peruvian Blackface -- Miguel Becerra
Afro-Mexican queen pageants : NGO's and the ethnicization of Blackness from Costa Chica, Oaxaca to Pasadena, CA -- Jorge Gonzalez.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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