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Critical look at achievements of first two non-PRI (i.e., opposition political party) presidential administrations (2000-2012) in more than 70 years of Mexican history. Argues that PAN party was incapable of governing or of properly understanding political moment, and that it was primarily responsible for dire economic and social condition in which country finds itself today. Cansino, respected political scientist, uses substantial theoretical grounding and past research to analyze current state of economy, politics, education, democracy, justice, security, media, political system and government.
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México en ruinas: los saldos del panismo en el poder, 2000-2012
2014, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Juan Pablos Editor
in Spanish
6074876940 9786074876949
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Includes bibliographical references (pages 285-291).
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