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Reanalysis and reinterpretation in southwestern bioarchaeology
2008, Arizona State University
in English
0936249390 9780936249391
Book Details
Table of Contents
Introduction : reanalysis and reinterpretation in Southwestern bioarchaeology / Ann L.W. Stodder
Mortuary ritual, taphonomy, and context
Reassessing the tower kiva skeletal remains from Salmon Ruins, New Mexico / Nancy J. Akins
Isolated human remains and the archaeological visibility of prehistoric ritual practices in the American Southwest / Teresa Rodrigues and Hoski Schaafsma
Mortuary and non-mortuary ritual practices at the pre-Hispanic site of Paquimé (Casas Grandes), Chihuahua, Mexico / Gordon F.M. Rakita
The social landscape of health : agriculture, social stratification, and migration
Health and demography of early agriculturalists in southern Arizona / John A. McClelland
Stature of ancestral Pueblo populations : population density, social stratification, and dietary protein / Nancy J. Malville
Preliminary results of the bioarchaeological and sociobiological investigation on the infants and children from Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona / Michael Schultz, Ulrich Timme, Reinhard Hilgers, Tyede H. Schmidt-Schultz
Gender and quality of life in late prehistory
Rickets, community dynamics, and gender relations at Arroyo Hondo, a fourteenth century ancestral pueblo : reanalysis and new insights / Ann M. Palkovich
Gender, labor, and inequality at Grasshopper Pueblo / Elizabeth M. Perry
Reanalysis of trauma in the La Plata Valley (A.D. 900-1300) : strategic social violence and the bioarchaeology of captivity / Debra L. Martin
Reassessing sex in the Pecos Pueblo population : new analyses of Hooton's data / Katherine E. Weisensee
Transitions in the benchmarks, frameworks, and audience for Southwestern bioarchaeology
Pathoecology and the future of coprolite studies in bioarchaeology / Karl J. Reinhard, Vaughn M. Bryant, Jr.
Writing for a new audience : toward a redirectior of paleopathology / Marica H. Regan
List of contributors
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Edition Notes
Chiefly papers presented at a symposium entitled "Reinterpretation and Reanalysis in Southwestern Bioarchaeology" held at the 2005 meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
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