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Sorin Cerin (born November 25, 1963, Baia Mare, Romania) is a Romanian philosopher, poet and essayist.If Osho is a mystic in his aphorisms, Sorin Cerin is an existentialist philosopher, author of a new philosophical system called Coaxialism, but also author of philosophical poems, being an important existentialist poet of the 21st century whose existentialist philosophical poems are quoted by critics specialized alongside other philosophers, poets and existentialist authors such as Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre or Kierkegaard.Sorin Cerin is especially sought after by the general public, among existentialist poets and philosophers, both for his existentialist philosophical poems that focus mainly on Love, Existence, Illusion, the Absurd or Death, and for existentialist philosophical aphorisms, structured in several volumes, and previously published in various publishing houses, to be later reunited under the aegis of a single monumental volume, entitled Collection of Wisdom.This title first appeared in 2009, which together with the future editions of Sorin Cerin's Collections of Wisdom from the following years, brought him fame and international recognition, for which, Sorin Cerin, is considered to be one of the most representative existentialist philosophers, existentialist poets, but, also authors of wisdom, authors of philosophical aphorisms or thinkers of the sapiential genre, worldwide, and the philosophical aphorisms from this work, are selected in various publications or prestigious anthologies of the world.This book, entitled, Sorin Cerin: The Philosophical Works of the Coaxialism - Reference Edition 2020, includes all new books, respectively 6 books, published separately by different publishers, books whose titles are in the current book, are:•Coaxialismul - Complete reference edition, the first edition in Romanian at Paco Publishing House in Bucharest, Romania 2007, ISBN 978-973-8314–66-5.2, the second edition in the United States of America 2010, ISBN 978-1456346362, and in English language entitled The Coaxialism - Complete reference edition, the United States of America 2011, ISBN 978-1461000082•Logica coaxiologică, first edition in Romanian at Paco Publishing House in Bucharest, Romania 2007, ISBN 978-973-8314-79-5, second edition in the United States of America 2014, ISBN 978-1497436121, and in English with the title The Coaxiological Logic, the United States of America 2020, ISBN 979-8630561305•Starea de concepțiune în fenomenologia coaxiologică (The state of conception in coaxiological phenomenology), first edition in Romanian at Paco publishing house in Bucharest, Romania 2007, ISBN 978-973-8314-764, second edition in the United States of America 2014, ISBN 978-149-7484-887, and in English with the title The Creation, the United States of America 2020, ISBN 979-8640137347•Antichrist, ființă și iubire (Antichrist, being and love), the first edition in Romanian at Paco Publishing House in Bucharest, Romania 2007, ISBN 979-973-8314-771, the second edition in the United States of America 2012, ISBN 978-147-8265-399, and in English with the title The Evil, the United States of America 2014, ISBN 978-1500329518•Moarte, neant, aneant, viață și Bilderberg Group (Death, nothingness, neo-nothingness, life and Bilderberg Group) the first edition in Romanian at Paco Publishing House in Bucharest, Romania 2007, ISBN 978-973-8314-740, the second edition in the United States of America 2010, ISBN 978-1456391423, and in English with the title Value and Hierarchy of the Human Being, the United States of America 2020, ISBN 9798654383327•Iubire, United States of America 2012, ISBN 978-1479107827, Amour, the United States of America 2010, ISBN 978-1456330866, Love, the United States of America 2012, ISBN 978-1479108015Reference by M. Pop
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Sorin Cerin:The Philosophical Works of the Coaxialism - 2020 Reference Edition
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