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"Dr. Marquart was a beloved Professor by all the students that sat in his classes. His ability to simplify great theological concepts made him a favorite Teacher for all the students who attended the Seminary. He not only instilled in us a love for Theology, but he also showed us how it was to be applied in a pastor's daily calling. However, these writings are not just for pastors"--
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Lutheran Church, Doctrines, History, Apologetic works, Theology, Doctrinal Theology, Lutheran Church--Missouri SynodPeople
Kurt E. MarquartTimes
20th centuryEdition | Availability |
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Book Details
Table of Contents
Volume I.
Popular writings.
Kurt Marquart biography ;
How do we know ;
Professor Marquart's address marks 10th anniversary of abortion decision ;
Peace ;
The "new maths" of Christ ;
What's love--ask God ;
Sacraments and substitutes ;
Church? What for? ;
Seven deadly sins ;
God enters the world as an infant--the final secret of the universe ;
Intellectual respectability, si! pseudo-intellectual aping, no! ;
Your personal guide to head-shrinking ;
A review of Harry Blamires, The Christian mind ;
Secularism--our intellectual "cargo cult" ;
Was St. Paul a hypocrite? ;
Flying saucers : a new theory ;
The late great planet Earth ;
Homosexuality--a theological evaluation ;
End of the world fear ;
Motor-bikes in heaven? -- -- volume II.
Communism, Western civilization and Christianity ;
The Christian church and communism ;
A criminal conspiracy ;
Preacher likens communism to Satanic strategy ;
The menace of phony anti-communism ;
Religious socialism ;
The same bad seed ;
"The fate of Christians under communism" ;
Licking Herod's bloody boots ;
Realism : lessons in Christian duty by an agnostic ;
Stop communist aggression ;
The forgotten people ;
Handing helpless Russians to the communists ;
Two documents on church and state ;
Church and state : a question of principle ;
Some pointed questions about human rights ;
Re-conversion of Russia by 1980 ;
A Marquart prediction twenty years ago ;
When will the world be as one ;
Give Tal Brooke a hearing--who will refute him? ;
Quigley's tragedy and hope ;
Agenda--grinding America down -- -- volume III.
Church and ministry.
Council of churches ;
Marks of the church--essay ;
Evangelical grace vs. ecumenical pressure ;
Some aspects of healthy church life ;
The churchly nature of the LCMS ;
The Lutheran doctrine of the church ;
Nafzger says Affirm and CTQ publish false information ;
The church and her fellowship, ministry, and governance ;
Congregational church government ;
Ecumenism : facts and illusions ;
Church growth movement threatens unity of LCMS ;
The marks of the church for the life of the world ;
The minority is correct ;
Marquart and Lehenbauer submit minority report ;
The gifts of the Spirit today -- -- volume IV.
The case against evolution ;
Evolution : some serious theoretical flaws ;
From Paley to Darwin ;
Evolution coming in the LCMS ;
Dr. Kurt Marquart presentation "evolution as voodoo" ;
The trees, the forest, and Professor Huber ;
Christianity and freemasonry ;
"Profumigation?" ;
From Luther to Kierkegaard ;
Marquart on Francis Schaeffer ;
Sanctifying an unholy cause ;
Marquart : St. Louis seminary lost case vs. Otten ;
First Amendment immunity ;
LLL leaders select Weisheit to be banquet speaker ;
Stop CPH from publishing pro-abortion book--"Killing with kindness" ;
Kurt Marquart answers Wayne Saffen ;
Marquart letter in October Reporter ;
Kieschnick vs. Marquart ;
Kurt Marquart for President/Kurt in Africa ;
Jesus First responds to Crisis at the crossroads video ;
The question of procedure in theological controversies ;
Grave misgivings : woman's suffrage in the church -- -- volume V.
A specification of doctrinal issues ;
The LCMS's real "wunderkind" and "shining star" ;
Theological liberalism at Concordia Seminary ;
Response to LCMS plea to support Valparaiso ;
The crisis in Christendom ;
What is theology, or, In defense of dogma ;
The factual basis of Christianity ;
The double-edge sword of God's word ;
Church growth as mission paradigm ;
A question of fraud ;
The case for full-time Christian schooling ;
Why not effective parental choice of schools? -- -- volume VI.
Let's ask Scripture and tradition about Scripture and tradition ;
Helsinki, doctrinal unity and justification ;
The doctrine of justification ;
Justification, let's be specific ;
No "hoax" : Maier and objective justification ;
"Objective justification" -- -- volume VII.
Worship and liturgy.
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness--why we go to church ;
Our Epiphany challenge ;
Devotional reading for Lent ;
The meaningful use of the means of grace as the source of spiritual life ;
Liturgical commonplaces ;
Luther's theology of the cross ;
The sacrament an Easter affair ;
How to give up the confessions without seeming to ;
The Lord's Supper ;
Unreal language about the real presence ;
Turbulence and division ;
What does baptism mean for daily living? ;
Regular prayer and the ministry ;
Professor Marquart discusses liturgy from confessional viewpoint ;
Liturgy and evangelism ;
Gold, silver, and bronze and closed communion ;
Lutheran worship and the golden middle ;
Contemporary services -- -- volume VIII.
Bible--historical criticism.
A declaration and plea ;
Truth and/or consequence ;
"In the name of God...what 'false doctrine'?" ;
The historical-critical method and Lutheran presuppositions ;
Opinion of the Department of Systematic Theology ;
A tale of two books -- -- volume IX.
Theological liberalism at Concordia Seminary--a declaration of facts ;
Scharlemann case settled ;
Quo vadis Lutheran witness--Marquart comments on Lutheran witness and new theology commission ;
Great expectations ;
Meditation on a tower ;
Christian giving ;
Reformation jubilee lectures ;
The meaning of theological discussion in LCUSA ;
Still attacks deity of Christ ;
The invited and uninvited guest ;
Dateline Anaheim ;
Candid observations ;
Anatomy of an explosion--Missouri in Lutheran perspective ;
A generally favorable review--Marquart's Anatomy of an explosion ;
Integrity barometer : falling ;
Reactions to the official results of inter-Lutheran (LCUSA) theological discussions since 1972 ;
"New Lutheran Church" will not be Lutheran says LCMS professor ;
The ex-Lutheran merger ;
Apostasy in Valparaiso's Cresset ;
Santa Claus theology ;
Levels of fellowship ;
Avoidance of confessional crisis ;
"The church and her fellowship, ministry, and governance"--female pastors should not be recognized ;
Lutheran confessional review ;
Robert D. Preus ;
Dr. Robert David Preus, an appreciation ;
Robert D. Preus : a personal tribute ;
LHF board names Marquart ;
A true doctor of theology ;
Marquart overture sent to 2004 LCMS convention ;
Question of "due process" ;
Law/gospel and "church growth," or, Quo vadis (where are you going), Lutheran missiology? ;
The church in the twenty-first century : will there be a Lutheran one? ;
Seminary hosts Lutheran/Catholic dialogue ;
Doctrine and outreach ;
The shape and foundation of faith ;
A word of encouragement ;
Putting Missouri back on track ;
"Bureaucratitis" bashed ;
Marquart defends the rights of laymen ;
Overtures for LCMS congregations to adopt ;
Aversion to sanctification? ;
Placing human regulations above God's word -- -- volume X.
Person--Twenty-first century Formula of Concord.
The call of the southern cross ;
ELS and SOC plan reformation lecture tour--Kurt Marquart to speak in U.S. ;
Seminary honors professor Kurt Marquart ;
God's special warrior ;
A servant of Jesus Christ ;
Excerpts, Mysteria Dei--essays in honor of Kurt Marquart ;
Professor Kurt Marquart an earned DD ;
"Marquart questions Kieschnick's reliance on by-laws instead of Bible" ;
The ecumenism of Christian news and Kurt Marquart ;
Laypeople hear Marquart at the Walther conference ;
Who are the grassroots conservatives ;
Marquart for President ;
Dr. Kurt Marquart--the rising star ;
Marquart--a champion of the people ;
Marquart--a man of love and charity ;
For President--Kurt E. Marquart ;
The answers show that delegates should support the Marquart Preus ticket ;
CN sends international Luther to all delegates ;
Reagan and Marquart ;
A greater and more lasting work than President--Marquart's future ;
The church : bride of Christ or slave-girl of "ecclesiastical supervisors"? ;
Kurt E. Marquart--1934-2005 ;
Big boys weep at Marquart's death ;
Walther on Wyneken--true about Marquart ;
Kurt Marquart, teacher, counselor, friend ;
Kurt's generosity ;
Marquart--a true doctor of the church ;
Kurt Marquart--America's gift to Australia : requiescat in pace ;
"Marquart's legacy" a valuable record ;
Kurt Marquart--God's chosen instrument in the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod's "great battle for the Bible" ;
Dr. Martin Noland--Marquart's defense exonerated Otten ;
Not Jacob Preus--Kurt Marquart God's chosen chief instrument ;
Kurt Marquart defended the Brief statement--hyper-Euros and liberals questioning LCMS's Brief statement ;
Kurt Marquart : I am so unworthy ;
Why a 21st century Formula of Concord I ;
65th regular convention--LCMS ;
Why a 21st century Formula of Concord and reformation II ;
To produce a 21st century Formula of Concord ;
Day by day with Kurt Marquart--a one year course.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
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