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Having a baby changes your life and new parents need to be prepared! This new handbook covers everything you need to know about your baby - feeding, sleeping and understanding their behaviour. Renee Kam is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, a physiotherapist with an interest in women's health, a mother of two girls, and a volunteer breastfeeding counsellor with the Australian Breastfeeding Association. She has been conducting private antenatal baby education classes since 2008.
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Table of Contents
About Renee; Acknowledgements; What this Book is About; Introduction; PART 1: REASONS WHY A BABY MIGHT CRY; 1. Feeding Cues; 2. Tired Cues; 3. Wind Pain Cues; 4. Other Cues; PART 2: BREASTFEEDING; Section A: The Purpose of Breastfeeding; 5. Breastfeeding: The Norm; 6. Risks Associated with Not Breastfeeding; 7. Substances in Breastmilk; Section B: How Breastfeeding Works; 8. Breast Anatomy; 9. Breast Changes during Pregnancy; 10. Breastmilk Production; 10. Milk-Ejection Reflex; 12. Nutritive and Non-nutritive Sucking; 13. Slow Flow of Breastmilk and Breast Compressions.
14. Length / Frequency of Breastfeeds15. Can You Overfeed a Breastfed Baby?; Section C: Early Breastfeeding; 16. Skin-to-Skin Contact; 17. Baby-Led Attachment; 18. Colostrum; 19. Normal Breast Fullness and Engorgement; Section D: Nipples, and Positioning and Attachment; 20. Do I Need to do Anything to Prepare My Nipples for Breastfeeding?; 21. Early Nipple Sensitivity; 22. Causes of Nipple Pain; 23. Nipple Care; 24. Positioning and Attachment; 25. What About Inverted Nipples?; Section E: Breastfeeding Conditions; 26 Painful Nipples.
27. Engorgement, Blocked duct(s), Mastitis and Breast Abscess28. Nipple Vasospasm; 29. Nipple Infection
Is it Nipple Thrush or a Bacterial Nipple Infection?; 30. White Spot; 31. Skin Conditions; 32. Breastmilk Jaundice; Section F: Breastfeeding Mother's Diet; 33. Does a Breastfeeding Mother Need to Maintain the Perfect Diet?; 34. Iodine, Vitamins and Fats; 35. Are there Any Foods I Need to be Cautious About?; 36. What About Food Sensitivity?; 37. What About Lactose Intolerance in Babies?; 38. Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux (GOR) and Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) in the Breastfed Baby.
Section G: But Not Every Woman Can Breastfeed, Right?39. Baby Conditions which Preclude Breastfeeding; 40. Maternal Conditions which Preclude Breastfeeding; 41. Maternal Medications and Breastfeeding; Section H: Low Milk Supply; 42. Primary Low Milk Supply; 43. Secondary Low Milk Supply; 44. Increasing Breastmilk Supply; Section I: Indicators of Adequate Breastmilk Intake; 45. Early Indicators of Adequate Breastmilk Intake; 46. Later Indicators of Adequate Breastmilk Intake; 47. Poor Indicators of Breastmilk Intake; 48. Do I Need to Wake My Baby for Feeds?
Section J: Breastfed Babies and Weight Gains49. World Health Organization (WHO) Growth Charts; 50. General Guidelines for Growth in the First Year; 51. Breastfed Babies Put on weight Differently from Formula Fed Babies.; 52. Does a Baby Need to 'Stick' to a Percentile Line?; PART 3: EXPRESSING; 53. Do I Need to Express?; 54. Reasons for Expressing; 55. When to Express?; 56. Which Pump is Right for Me?; 57. Hand Expressing; 58. How Much Breastmilk is Enough for One Expressed Breastmilk Feed?; 59. Alternative Feeding Methods; 60. Pacing Bottle Feeds.
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