Prince, Edward Duke of Sumnerlet, Erle of Herfold, Lolde Beachampe, and Uncle bnto the kynges Maiefty, Myllyam Turner his feruaunt, wyheth increate in the knowledge of God des holy worde, and grace to iyue thereafter.
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Herbs, therapeutic useEdition | Availability |
William Turner: A New Herball
January 26, 1996, Cambridge University Press
in English
0521445485 9780521445481
William Turner: A New Herball 2 volume boxed set (hardback)
February 23, 1996, Cambridge University Press
in English
- Facsimile Ed edition
0521477689 9780521477680
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"Prince, Edward Duke of Sumnerlet, Erle of Herfold, Lolde Beachampe, and Uncle bnto the kynges Maiefty, Myllyam Turner his feruaunt, wyheth increate in the knowledge of God des holy worde, and grace to iyue thereafter."
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