The seaman's medical advocate, or, An attempt to shew that five thousand seamen are, annually, during war, lost to the British nation, in the West-India merchants' service, and on-board ships of war on the West-India station, through the yellow fever, and other diseases and means, from causes which, it is conceived, are chiefly to be obviated, and unconnected with the misfortunes of war or dangers of the seas

illustrated by cases and facts : most respectfully submitted to the consideration of the British Senate, the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, the admirals of fleets, and the commanders of ships of war, on the West-India station, the West-India merchants, and the commanders of West-India merchantmen

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August 25, 2021 | History

The seaman's medical advocate, or, An attempt to shew that five thousand seamen are, annually, during war, lost to the British nation, in the West-India merchants' service, and on-board ships of war on the West-India station, through the yellow fever, and other diseases and means, from causes which, it is conceived, are chiefly to be obviated, and unconnected with the misfortunes of war or dangers of the seas

illustrated by cases and facts : most respectfully submitted to the consideration of the British Senate, the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, the admirals of fleets, and the commanders of ships of war, on the West-India station, the West-India merchants, and the commanders of West-India merchantmen

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This material has been provided by The Royal College of Surgeons of England. The original may be consulted at The Royal College of Surgeons of England.

The Royal College of Surgeons of England.

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Attempt to shew that five thousand seamen are, annually, during war, lost to the British nation.

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[4], xxv, [1], 248 p.
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Open Library
Internet Archive

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