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Regulations governing the uniform and equipments of officers and enlisted men of the United States Marine Corps
1900, Government Printing Office
in English
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Book Details
Table of Contents
[1] General regulations
Titles of, occasions for wearing, and articles composing uniforms for officers. Special full dress ; Full dress ; Undress ; Evening dress ; Mess dress ; Overcoat ; Campaign uniform
[2] Special regulations
Special full dress and full dress. Coats ; Trousers ; Shoulder ornaments ; Head-dress ; Sash ; Belt plate ; Sword ; Full-dress sword knot
Undress. Coats ; Trousers ; Cap ; Cap ornament ; White cap ; Undress sword belt and plate ; Undress sword knot
Summer undress. Coats ; Trousers
Evening dress. Coat ; Waistcoat ; Trousers
Mess dress
Overcoat. Cape
Campaign uniform. Coat ; Trousers
Miscellaneous. Neckwear ; Gloves ; Spurs ; Boots ; Shoes ; Leggins ; Rain clothes ; Sash ; Horse furniture
[3] Staff officers
Special full dress and full dress. Coats ; Trousers ; Shoulder ornaments ; Aiguillettes ; Chapeau ; Belt and belt plates ; Sword and sword knot
Summer undress
Campaign uniform
Evening dress
Mess jacket
Miscellaneous. Full dress ; Undress ; Campaign uniform ; Overcoat ; Black helmet
[4] Special regulations
Full dress. Coat ; Trousers ; White trousers
Head-dress. Black helmets ; Helmet ornaments ; White helmets ; Shoulder ornaments ; Aiguillettes ; Baldrick
Undress. Coat ; Trousers
Summer undress. Coat ; Trousers ; Campaign coat ; Campaign trousers
Head-dress. Cap ; Ornament ; White helmet ; Campaign hat ; White cap cover ; Muskrat caps
Overcoat ; Chevrons ; Service stripes ; Flannel shirt ; Shoes ; Socks (woolen) ; Socks (cotton) ; Undershirts (heavy and light) ; Drawers (heavy and light) ; Suspenders ; Gloves (woolen and cotton) ; Collars ; Rain clothes ; Woolen blanket ; Rubber blankets, or ponchos ; Leggins ; Haversacks, clothing bags, and canteens ; Belts, belt plates, swords, and cartridge boxes ; Tents (hospital, conical, wall, common, and shelter) ; Drums, drumsticks, trumpets, trumpet cords, drum slings, and stuck cartridge ; Flags ; Miscellaneous.
Edition Notes
Includes "Addenda" slip attached to page 3.
Also available online from the Internet Archive. Address as of February 12, 2014:
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