Markham's master-piece: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. ... Divided into two books. ... Now the twentieth time printed, corrected, and augmented with above thirty new chapters, ... Also The compleat jockey; containing methods for the training up horses for racing, ...
1723, printed for G. Conyers, W. Wotton, and J. Clark
in English
Markham's master-piece: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. ... Divided into two books. ... Now the twentieth time printed, corrected, and augmented with above thirty new chapters, ... Also The compleat jockey; containing methods for the training up horses for racing, ...
1723, printed for G. Conyers, W. Wotton, and J. Clark
in English
Markham's master-piece: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. Drawn with great pains and approved experience, and the publick practice of the best horse-marshals in Christendom. Divided into two books. The I. Containing cures physical: The II. All cures chyrurgical. Together with the nature, use, and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the nineteenth time printed, corrected and augmented, with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines, heretofore never published. To which is added, the exactest receipts for curing all diseases, in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, dogs, and all small cattle. Also the Compleat jockey. Containing methods for the training horses up for racing, with their heats and courses, and manner of keeping, &c. Also, instructions to avoid being cheated by horse-coursers. To which is added in this nineteenth impression, directions to preserve all sorts of cattle from all manner of diseases, and to feed cattle fat, without corn, hay, or grass. Also the way to improve St-Foin. With divers other things never before made publick.
1717, Printed for N. and M. Boddington, at the Golden-Ball in Duck-Lane
in English
- The 19th impression corrected and enl. by the author Gervase Markham.
Markham's master-piece revived: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. ... Divided into two books. The I. containing cures physical; the II. all cures chirurgical: together with the nature, use and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the fifteenth time printed, corrected and augmented with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines heretofore never publisht. To which is added by way of appendix, The countrey-man's care for his other cattle, containing the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, and all smaller cattel, with many new additions. And now in this impression is added The complete jockey; containing methods for the training of horses up for racing; with their heats and courses, and manner of keeping, &c. Also instructions to the buyers, to avoid cheating horse-coursers; and all things necessary for gentlemen, and others. Never before made publick
1695, printed by John Richardson for M. Wotton and George Coniers, at the Three Daggers in Fleetstreet, near the Inner-Temple Gate, and at the Golden Ring in Little Brittain
in English
Markham's master-piece revived: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. ... Divided into two books. The I. containing cures physical; the II. all cures chirurgical: together with the nature, use and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the fifteenth time printed, corrected and augmented with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines heretofore never publisht. To which is added by way of appendix, The countrey-man's care for his other cattle, containing the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, and all smaller cattel, with many new additions. And now in this impression is added The complete jockey; containing methods for the training of horses up for racing; with their heats and courses, and manner of keeping, &c. Also instructions to the buyers, to avoid cheating horse-coursers; and all things necessary for gentlemen, and others. Never before made publick.
1695, printed by John Richardson for M. Wotton and George Coniers, at the Three Daggers in Fleetstreet, near the Inner-Temple Gate, and at the Golden Ring in Little Brittain
in English
Markham's master-piece revived: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. ... Divided into two books. The I. containing cures physical; the II. all cures chirurgical: together with the nature, use and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the fifteenth time printed, corrected and augmented with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines heretofore never publisht. To which is added by way of appendix, The countrey-man's care for his other cattle, containing the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, and all smaller cattel, with many new additions. And now in this impression is added The complete jockey; containing methods for the training of horses up for racing; with their heats and courses, and manner of keeping, &c. Also instructions to the buyers, to avoid cheating horse-coursers; and all things necessary for gentlemen, and others. Never before made publick
1695, printed by John Richardson for M. Wotton and George Coniers, at the Three Daggers in Fleetstreet, near the Inner-Temple Gate, and at the Golden Ring in Little Brittain
in English
Markham's Master-piece revived: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses : drawn with great pains from approved experience, and the publick practice of the best horse-marshals in Christendom : divided into two books ... to which is added by way of appendix, The countryman's care for his other cattle : containing the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, and all smaller cattel [sic.], with many new additions : and now in this impression is added The compleat jockey ... never before made publick.
1683, Printed for John Wright ... and Thomas Passinger ...
in English
- Now the thirteenth time printed, corrected and augmented with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines heretofore never publish'd
Markham's master-piece revived: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. ... Divided into two books. The I. containing cures physical; the II. all cures chirurgical: together with the nature, use and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the twelfth time printed, corrected and augmented with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines heretofore never publish'd: all which in the author's life-time were concealed for his own benefit, being the most exact work that ever was published of this nature. To which is added by way of appendix, The country-man's care for his other cattle, containing the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, and all smaller cattel. An now in this impression is added the complete jockey; with methods for the training of horses up for racing: with their heats and courses, and manner of keeping, &c. With instructions to the buyers, to avoid cheating hor
1681, printed by Evan Tyler and Ralph Holt, for John Wright, at the Crown on Ludgate Hill, and Thomas Passenger at the Three Bibles on London Bridge
in English
Markham's master-piece revived: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. ... Divided into two books. The I. containing cures physical; the II. all cures chirurgical: together with the nature, use and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the twelfth time printed, corrected and augmented with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines heretofore never publish'd: all which in the author's life-time were concealed for his own benefit, being the most exact work that ever was published of this nature. To which is added by way of appendix, The country-man's care for his other cattle, containing the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, and all smaller cattel. An now in this impression is added the complete jockey; with methods for the training of horses up for racing: with their heats and courses, and manner of keeping, &c. With instructions to the buyers, to avoid cheating hor
1681, printed by Evan Tyler and Ralph Holt, for John Wright, at the Crown on Ludgate Hill, and Thomas Passenger at the Three Bibles on London Bridge
in English
Markham's master-piece revived: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses. ... Divided into two books. The I. containing cures physical; the II. all cures chirurgical: together with the nature, use and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the twelfth time printed, corrected and augmented with above thirty new chapters, and forty new medicines heretofore never publish'd: all which in the author's life-time were concealed for his own benefit, being the most exact work that ever was published of this nature. To which is added by way of appendix, The country-man's care for his other cattle, containing the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, and all smaller cattel. An now in this impression is added the complete jockey; with methods for the training of horses up for racing: with their heats and courses, and manner of keeping, &c. With instructions to the buyers, to avoid cheating hor
1681, printed by Evan Tyler and Ralph Holt, for John Wright, at the Crown on Ludgate Hill, and Thomas Passenger at the Three Bibles on London Bridge
in English
Markham's master-piece revived: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses; ... Divided into two books. The I. containing cures physical; the II. all cures chirurgical: together with the nature, use and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the eleventh time printed, corrected and augmented with above thirty new chapters and forty new medicines heretofore never publisht: all which in the authors life-time were concealed for his own benefit, being the most exact work that ever was published of this nature. To which is added by way of appendix, The country-man's care for his other cattel, containing the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, and all smaller cattel. Never before made publick
1675, printed by Andrew Clark for Thomas Passenger at the Three Bibles on the middle of London-Bridge
in English
Markham's master-piece revived: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier or horse-leach, touching the curing all diseases in horses; ... Divided into two books. The I. containing cures physical; the II. all cures chirurgical: together with the nature, use and quality of every simple mentioned through the whole work. Now the eleventh time printed, corrected and augmented with above thirty new chapters and forty new medicines heretofore never publisht: all which in the authors life-time were concealed for his own benefit, being the most exact work that ever was published of this nature. To which is added by way of appendix, The country-man's care for his other cattel, containing the exactest receipts for curing all diseases in oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, goats, and all smaller cattel. Never before made publick
1675, printed by Andrew Clark for Thomas Passenger at the Three Bibles on the middle of London-Bridge
in English
Markhams maister-peece: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses: drawne with great paine, and most approved experience, from the publick practise of all the forraigne horse-marshals in Christendome; and from the private practise of all the best farriers of this land. Being divided into two bookes. The first containing all cures physicall: the second all belonging to chyrurgery; with an addition of 160. principall chapters, and 370. most excellent medicines, never written of, nor mentioned in any authour whatsoever. Together with the true nature, use, and quality of every simple spoken of through the whole worke. Now the seventh time newly imprinted, corrected, and augmented, with above thirty new chapters, and above forty new medicines that are most certaine and approved; and heretofore never published, which you shall finde noted thus. All which never was before made knowne, but concealed in the authors breast for his owne credit
1651, by William Wilson, and are to be [sold] in Pauls Church-yard, or in any other part of London
in English
Markhams maister-peece: containing all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses: drawne with great paine, and most approved experience, from the publick practise of all the forraigne horse-marshals in Christendome; and from the private practise of all the best farriers of this land. Being divided into two bookes. The first containing all cures physicall: the second all belonging to chyrurgery; with an addition of 160. principall chapters, and 370. most excellent medicines, never written of, nor mentioned in any authour whatsoever. Together with the true nature, use, and quality of every simple spoken of through the whole worke. Now the seventh time newly imprinted, corrected, and augmented, with above thirty new chapters, and above forty new medicines that are most certaine and approved; and heretofore never published, which you shall finde noted thus. All which never was before made knowne, but concealed in the authors breast for his owne credit
1651, by William Wilson, and are to be [sold] in Pauls Church-yard, or in any other part of London
in English
Markhams maister-peece: contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses, drawn with great paine, and most approved experience, from the publick practice of all the forraigne horse-marshals in Christendome, and from the private practice of all the best farriers of this kingdome : being divided into two bookes : the first contayning all cures physicall : the second all belonging to chyrurgery, with an addition of 160 principall chapters, and 370 most excellent medicines, never written of, nor mentioned in any author whatsoever : together with the true nature, use, and quality of every simple spoken of through the whole worke
1643, Imprinted by John Okes ...
in English
- Now the sixt time newly imprinted, corrected and augmented, with above thirty new chapters, and above forty new medicines that are most certaine and approved, and heretofore never published, which you shall finde noted thus : all which never was before made knowne, but concealed in the authors breast for his owne credit.
Markhams maister-peece: contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses, drawn with great paine, and most approved experience, from the publick practice of all the forraigne horse-marshals in Christendome, and from the private practice of all the best farriers of this kingdome : being divided into two bookes : the first contayning all cures physicall : the second all belonging to chyrurgery, with an addition of 160 principall chapters, and 370 most excellent medicines, never written of, nor mentioned in any author whatsoever : together with the true nature, use, and quality of every simple spoken of through the whole worke
1643, Imprinted by John Okes ...
in English
- Now the sixt time newly imprinted, corrected and augmented, with above thirty new chapters, and above forty new medicines that are most certaine and approved, and heretofore never published, which you shall finde noted thus : all which never was before made knowne, but concealed in the authors breast for his owne credit
Markhams maister-peece: contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses, drawn with great paine, and most approved experience, from the publick practice of all the forraigne horse-marshals in Christendome, and from the private practice of all the best farriers of this kingdome : being divided into two bookes : the first contayning all cures physicall : the second all belonging to chyrurgery, with an addition of 160 principall chapters, and 370 most excellent medicines, never written of, nor mentioned in any author whatsoever : together with the true nature, use, and quality of every simple spoken of through the whole worke
1643, Imprinted by John Okes ...
in English
- Now the sixt time newly imprinted, corrected and augmented, with above thirty new chapters, and above forty new medicines that are most certaine and approved, and heretofore never published, which you shall finde noted thus : all which never was before made knowne, but concealed in the authors breast for his owne credit
Markhams maister-peece·: Contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses: drawne with great paine, and most approved experience, from the publicke practise of all the forraine horse-marshals in Christendome; and from the private practice of all the best farriers of this kingdome. Being divided into two bookes. The first contaying all cures physicall: the second all belonging to chyrurgery; with an addition of 160. principall chapters, and 370. most excellent medicines, never written of, nor mentioned in any author whatosever. Together with the true nature, vse, and quality of every simple spoken of through the whole worke. Written by Gervase Markham, Gent.
1636, By Nicholas and Iohn Okes dwelling in the well yard in little St. Bartholmews neere the Hospitall Gate
in English
- Now the fifth time newly imprinted, corrected, and augmented, with above thirty new chapters, and above forty new medicines that are most certaine and approved; and heretofore never published, which you shall finde noted thus [pointing hand].
Markhams maister-peece·: Contayning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse leech, touching the curing of all diseases in horses: drawne with great paine, and most approoued experience, from the publicke practise of all the forraine horse-marshals of Christendome; and from the priuate practise of all the best farriers of this kingdome. Being diuided into two bookes. The first contayning all cures physicall: the sceond all belonging to chyrurgery; with an addition of 160. principall chapters, and 370. most excellent medicines, neuer written of, nor mentioned in any author whatsoeuer. Together with the true nature, vse, and quallity of euery simple spoken of through the whole worke. Written by Geruase Markham, Gent.
1631, By Nicholas Okes and are to be sold by Nicholas Fussell and Humphrey Mosley, at the signe of the Ball in Paules Church-yard
in English
- Now the fourth time newly imprinted, corrected, and augmented, with aboue thirty new chapters, and aboue forty new medicines that are most certaine and approoued, and hertofore neuer published, which you shall finde noted thus [pointing hand].
Markhams maister-peece: containing all knowledge belonging to a smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing of all diseases in horses, drawne with great paine, and most approued experience from the publicke practise of all the forraigne horse-marshalls in Christendome, and from the priuate practise of all the best farriers of this kingdome. Being diuided into tvvo bookes. The first containing all cures physicall: the second all belonging to chyrurgery, vvith an eddition of 130 principall chapters, and 340 most excellent medicines neuer written of nor mentioned in any other author whatsoeuer. Together with the true nature, vse and quality of euery simple spoken of through the whole worke. Written by Gervase Markham. Gent.
1623, By Nicholas Okes, and are to be sold by Richard Whitaker
in English
- Now newly imprinted, corrected, and augmented, vvith diuers most assured and approued medicines, which without all faile (by Gods grace) will cure those diseases which all our farriers hold impossible to be cured.
Markhams maister-peece: containing, all knowledge belonging to a smith, farrier, or horse-leach, touching the curing of all diseases in horses, drawne with great paine, and most approued experience from the publicke practise of all the forraigne horse-marshals in Christendome, and from the priuate practise of all the best farriers of this kingdome. Being diuided into tvvo bookes. The first containing all cures physicall: the second all belonging to surgery, with an addition of 130 principall chapters, and 340 most excellent medicines neuer written of nor mentioned in any other author whatsoeuer. Together with the true nature, vse and quality of euery simple spoken of through the whole worke. Written by Gervase Markham.
1615, By Nicholas Okes
in English
- Now newly imprinted, corrected and augmented, with diuers most assured and approued medicines, which without all faile (by Gods grace) will cure those diseases which all out farriers hold impossible to be cured.