One Sunday, a dear friend and member of my congregation cornered me after a sermon in which I repeatedly referred to elders as "shepherds."
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
They Smell Like Sheep: Spiritual Leadership for the 21st Century
October 2002, Howard Books
in English
1582292973 9781582292977
They smell like sheep: spiritual leadership for the 21st century
1997, Howard Pub.
in English
187899073X 9781878990730
Book Details
First Sentence
"One Sunday, a dear friend and member of my congregation cornered me after a sermon in which I repeatedly referred to elders as "shepherds.""
Table of Contents
Introduction : Stepping into the pasture
Part one : A biblical look at spiritual leadership principles: the sort of things leaders do. Shepherds on the hills of Bible history
Distorted leadership models
Fast-lane flocks and cyber-world shepherds
Those who have walked a long time in the same direction
How to mentor
Use 'em or lose 'em
How the Chief Shepherd equipped his flock
Equipping through the shared life
Part two : A biblical look at elders: the sort of people they are.
Just what is an elder?
Men of experience
Men of character
Men of vision
The biblical language of authority
The authority of moral suasion
Epilogue : A stroll into the morning
Discussion questions
Additional resources
The Physical Object
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