Ever since Hesiod's famous encounter at the beginning of the Theogony (most famously remembered by Callimachus in fragment 2 of the Aetia), the introduction into any poem of the Heliconian Muses, patron goddesses of literature itself, has always been a moment for the poet to turn in on himself (or rather, perhaps, to stand outside himself) so as to contemplate more obtrusively than elsewhere the nature of his own craft.
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Edition | Availability |
The Metamorphosis of Persephone: Ovid and the Self-conscious Muse (Cambridge Classical Studies)
May 7, 2007, Cambridge University Press
in English
- 1 edition
0521036232 9780521036238
The metamorphosis of Persephone: Ovid and the self-conscious muse
1987, Cambridge University Press
in English
052133506X 9780521335065
Book Details
Edition Notes
Bibliography: p. 168-175.
Includes indexes.
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Scriblio MARC recordUniversity of Prince Edward Island MARC record
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Better World Books record
Library of Congress MARC record
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