Ultimate Unauthorized Nintendo Classic Game Strategies


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Last edited by "Teary Eyes" Anderson
March 29, 2018 | History

Ultimate Unauthorized Nintendo Classic Game Strategies

This is a review, hints, tips, and strategy, and buyers guide, book for games on the "Nintendo Entertainment System" {NES} video game system. For each game reviewed, graphics, sound, and fun, and response of the games controls, and a overall rating. There are descriptions of the items, displays, and enemies, weapons, and other such items in the game, as well as tips on how to overcome, or use these items. There are tips on how to beat various difficult points in some of the games, as well as cheats and in game secrets that allow players to beat the game by getting multiple lives, or gaining extra power-ups be doing various activities in the games. There are grey scale television screen shot photographs. The book was originally sold at $9.95.

Publish Date

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Edition Availability
Cover of: Ultimate Unauthorized Nintendo Classic Game Strategies
Ultimate Unauthorized Nintendo Classic Game Strategies
1992, Bantam Books
Paperback in English - 2nd Edition
Cover of: Ultimate Unauthorized Nintendo Classic Game Strategies
Ultimate Unauthorized Nintendo Classic Game Strategies
1991, Bantam Books, Brand: Bantam Books
Paperback in English

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Book Details

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments. iii
Introduction. v
Part I: 14 Hot Hits.
1. Arcade. 3
Battletoads. 3
Smash TV. 7
Snow Bros. 11
Trog. 14
Wolverine. 18
2. Kiddie Capers. 23
Crazyland {The Trolls in Crazyland}. 23
The Little Mermaid. 27
TaleSpin. 32
3. Silver Screen. 37
Beetlejuice. 37
Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure. 42
The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants. 48
4. Fantastic Quests. 55
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?. 55
Day Dreamin' Davey. 59
5. Gym Bag. 65
Roger Clemens MVP Baseball. 65
Part II: 20 All-Time Classic Series Games.
6. Super Mario Bros. {Series}. 69
Super Mario Bros. 69
Super Mario Bros. 2. 78
Super Mario Bros. 3. 87
7. Castlevania {Series}. 105
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. 105
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse. 107
8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles{Series}. 115
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. 115
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game. 123
9. Zelda and Link {Series}. 129
The Legend of Ze1da. 129
Zelda II: The AdventureofLink. 137
10. Mega Man {Series}. 145
Mega Man. 145
Mega Man 2. 148
Mega Man 3. 158
11. G.I. Joe {Series}. 167
G.I. Joe. 167
G.I. Joe 2: The Atlantis Factor. 175
12. Double Dragon {Series}. 179
Double Dragon II: The Revenge. 179
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones. 185
13. Ninja Gaiden {Series}. 191
Ninja Gaiden. 191
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos. 197
14. RBI Baseball {Series}. 203
RBI Baseball 2. 203
RBI Baseball 3. 203
15. Arcade. 213
Adventure Island II. 213
Maniac Mansion. 218
Skate or Die 2: The Search for Double Trouble. 225
Super C. 233
16. Silver Screen. 239
Gremlins 2: The New Batch. 239
Who Framed Roger Rabbit. 243
17. Amazing Quests. 249
Dragon Warrior II. 249
Ultima Quest of the Avatar. 255
Astyanax. 263
Back to the Future II & III. 263
Bandit Kings of Ancient China. 263
Black Bass Fishing. 264
Bubble Bobble. 264
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle. 264
Burai Fighter. 264
Captain Skyhawk. 264
Conquest of the Crystal Palace. 264
Contra. 265
Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum. 265
Desünation: Earthstar. 265
Dirty Harry. 265
Dragon Spirit. 265
Dungeon Magic. 266
Dynowarz. 266
8 Eyes. 266
Gauntlet. 266
Gradius. 266
Guardian Legend. 266
Heavy Shredding. 266
Ikari III: The Rescue. 266
Ironsword {Wizards and Warriors II:}. 267
Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu. 267
Joumey to Silius. 267
Kickie Cubicle. 267
Kings of the Beach. 267
Knight Rider. 267
Life Force. 267
Little Nemo the Dream Master. 267
Low G Man. 268
Magic of Scheherazade. 268
Mendel Palace. 268
Metal Gear. 268
Mike Tyson's Punch Out. 268
Mission: Impossible. 268
NARC. 269
Nobunaga's Ambition II. 269
Palamedes. 269
P.O.W. 269
Rad Racer. 269
Rad Racer 2. 270
RoboCop. 270
Shadow of the Ninja. 270
Silver Surfer. 270
Solar Jetrnan. 271
Solstice. 271
Super Sprint. 271
Sword Master. 271
Tecmo Bowl. 271
Thunderbirds. 272
Track and Field II. 272
World Championship Wrestling. 272
World Cup Soccer. 272

Edition Notes

"Bantam Computer Books"--Spine.

Published in
New York, N.Y.
The Bantam Game Mastery Series
Copyright Date


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
GV1469.3 .S256 1991

The Physical Object

xiii, 272p
Number of pages
21.5 x 13.5 x 1.5 centimeters

ID Numbers

Open Library
Library Thing

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