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Classical and computational solid mechanics
2001, World Scientific
in English
9810239122 9789810239121
Book Details
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Tensor analysis
3. Stress tensor
4. Analysis of strain
5. Conservation laws
6. Elastic and plastic behavior of materials
7. Linearized theory of elasticity
8. Solutions of problems in linearized theory of elasticity by potentials
9. Two-dimensional problems in linearized theory of elasticity
10. Variational calculus, energy theorems, Saint-Venant's principle
11. Hamilton's principle, wave propagation, applications of generalized coordinates
12. Elasticity and thermodynamics
13. Irreversible thermodynamics and viscoelasticity
14. Thermoelasticity
15. Viscoelasticity
16. Large deformation
17. Incremental approach to solving some nonlinear problems
18. Finite element methods
19. Mixed and hybrid formulations
20. Finite element methods for plates and shells
21. Finite element modeling of nonlinear elasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity, viscoplasticity and creep
Author index
Subject index.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (p. 873-908) and index.
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