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This study was designed to investigate the psychosocial adjustment of mastectomy patients and their husbands and to determine how two factors, social support and spouse involvement, were related to subjects' adjustment over time. Data were obtained from a sample of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients and their husbands (n = 80) who were interviewed at two points in time. Time 1 interviews were completed approximately three days after surgery while the patient was still hospitalized, and Time 2 interviews were completed approximately one month later. Standardized instruments, structured interview formats, and researcher-designed questionnaires were used to measure the variables in this study. Paired t analyses were used to compare the adjustment scores of patients and husbands and regression techniques were used to determine the relationships between the independent variables and the multiple adjustment measures.
The results of the study indicated that both patients and husbands experienced alterations in mood and symptoms of distress in response to the mastectomy. The psychosocial adjustment scores of patients and husbands did not differ significantly in regard to level of mood or symptoms of distress at Time 1 or Time 2. Social support was related to both patients' and husbands' psychosocial adjustment on the mood and distress measures but not on the measure of psychosocial role function. Husbands, in contrast to patients, perceived significantly less support from health professionals at Time 1 and Time 2. Level of spouse involvement was not related to either patients' or husbands' psychosocial adjustment at Time 1 and Time 2.
Overall, the findings of this study are consistent with family systems theory and suggest that both mastectomy patients and their husbands have difficulty adjusting to the effects of breast cancer. The findings also suggest that social support is an important factor related not only to the psychosocial adjustment of patients but also to the psychosocial adjustment of their husbands.
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Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 46-11, Section: B, page: 3784.
School code: 0127.
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