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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
Physician As Patient: A Clinical Handbook for Mental Health Professionals
2009, American Psychiatric Association Publishing
in English
1585628786 9781585628780
The Physician as Patient: A Clinical Handbook for Mental Health Professionals
February 15, 2008, American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
in English
- 1 edition
1585623121 9781585623129
The physician as patient: a clinical handbook for mental health professionals
2008, American Psychiatric Pub.
in English
- 1st ed.
1585623121 9781585623129
The physician as patient: a clinical handbook for mental health professionals
2008, American Psychiatric Pub.
in English
- 1st ed.
1585623121 9781585623129
Book Details
Table of Contents
The psychology of physicians and the culture of medicine
Minority physicians (racial, ethnic, sexual orientation) and international medical graduates
Psychiatric evaluation of physicians
Psychiatric and medical illness in physicians
Addictions: chemical and nonchemical
Personality disorders, personality traits, and disruptive physicians
Professional boundary violations
Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Individual cognitive therapy and relapse prevention
Conflict in couples and their treatment
The suicidal physician and the aftermath of physician suicide
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (p. 221-233) and index.
The Physical Object
ID Numbers
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