Cognitive mapping concerns how we think about space, and how those thoughts are used and reflected in human spatial behaviour (Downs and Stea, 1973).
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Cognitive maps (Psychology), Congresses, Human information processing, Spatial behavior, Cognition, Geography, Environment, Mental Processes, Cartes cognitives, Congrès, Traitement de l'information chez l'homme, Géographie, PSYCHOLOGY, Cognitive Psychology, SCIENCE, Cognitive Science, Raumverhalten, Psychologie, Kognitive Landkarte, Cognitieve kaarten, Ruimtelijke waarnemingEdition | Availability |
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Cognitive Mapping: Past, Present and Future (Routledge Frontiers of Cognitive Science, Volume 4)
June 5, 2000, Routledge
in English
0415208068 9780415208062
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Includes bibliographical references and index
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Miami University of Ohio MARC recordBetter World Books record
Library of Congress MARC record
marc_columbia MARC record
marc_columbia MARC record
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