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This book provides a day-by-day history of the Malayan Campaign and the Fall of Singapore from the first alerts as the British prepared to move their forces on to a war footing on 29 November, through the fighting, to the Japanese imposing their rule on the Chinese in Singapore on 26 February - a total of 90 days. For each of the 90 days, all the major developments - military and political - are detailed along with information on every Allied soldier who died on that day. As such it is the first book that demonstrates the nature of the fighting each day - with intense battles followed by days of relative inactivity. With the Malayan Campaign and the Fall of Singapore symbolising the end of British power in Southeast Asia, and also the beginning of the end of the British Empire, this book draws from army war diaries, published histories of the campaign, biographies and autobiographies of people involved, and family stories, as well as visiting most of the places connected with the conflict.
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Previews available in: English
Singapore, Malay Peninsula, AsiaTimes
Siege, 1942Edition | Availability |
The fall of Singapore: 90 days : November 1941-Feburary 1942
2012, Hardie Grant
in English
1742704220 9781742704227
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