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Unity Android Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide consists of different game application examples. No prior experience with programming, Android, or Unity is required. You will learn everything from scratch and will have an organized flow of information specifically designed for complete beginners to Unity. Great for developers new to Unity, Android, or both, this book will walk you through everything you need to know about game development for the Android mobile platform. No experience with programming, Android, or Unity is required. Most of the assets used in each chapter project are.
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
Unity Android game development by example beginner's guide: learn how to create exciting games using Unity 3D for Android with the help of hands-on examples
2013, Packt Publishing
in English
1849692076 9781849692076
Book Details
Table of Contents
Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Saying Hello to Unity and Android; Understanding what makes Unity great; Understanding what makes Android great; Understanding how Unity and Android work together; Differences between Pro and Basic; License comparison overview; Setting up the development environment; Time for action
installing the JDK; Time for action
installing the Android SDK; Time for action
installing Unity 3D; Optional code editor; Connecting to a device
Time for action
simple device connectionTime for action
connecting trickier devices; Unity Remote; Building a simple application; Time for action
Hello World; Summary; Chapter 2: Looking Good
Graphical Interface; Creating a Tic-tac-toe game; Time for action
creating Tic-tac-toe; Finishing the game; Time for action
finish creating the game; GUI Skins and GUI Styles; A prettier form of Tic-tac-toe; Time for action
styling the game; Dynamic positioning; Time for action
the dynamic GUI; A better way to build to device; Time for action
build and run; Summary
Chapter 3: The Backbone of Any Game
Meshes, Materials, and AnimationsSetting up; Time for action
the setup; Importing the meshes; Time for action
importing the tank; Tank import settings; Setting up the tank; Time for action
creating the tank; Time for action
keeping score; Time for action
controlling the chassis; Time for action
controlling the turret; Time for action
putting the pieces together; Creating the materials; Time for action
creating the city; Time for action
moving treads; Animations; The target's animations; Time for action
setting up target animations
State machinesTime for action
creating the target state machine; Time for action
scripting the target; Creating the prefab; Time for action
creating the target; Ray tracing to shoot; Time for action
simple shooting; Summary; Chapter 4: Setting the Stage
Camera Effects and Lighting; The camera effects; Skyboxes and distance fog; Time for action
adding a skybox and distance fog; Target indicator; Time for action
creating the pointer; Time for action
controlling the indicator; Time for action
working with a second camera; Turbo boost; Time for action
using the boost effect
LightsTime for action
adding more lights; Lightmaps; Time for action
creating a lightmap; Cookies; Time for action
applying headlights; Blob shadow; Time for action
a tank with a shadow; Summary; Chapter 5: Getting Around
Pathfinding and AI; Understanding AI and pathfinding; The NavMesh; Time for action
creating the NavMesh; The NavMeshAgent component; Time for action
creating the enemy; The chase; Time for action
the player is over here; Time for action
chasing the player; Being attacked; Time for action
getting ready to fire; Attacking the enemy
Time for action
giving it a weakness
Edition Notes
The Physical Object
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