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Izaak Walton counted among his friends such celebrated intellectuals of the English Renaissance as Michael Drayton, Ben Jonson, John Donne, and Sir Henry Wotton. He is the author of The Compleat Angler, one of the finest examples of the pastoral in the English language and a book that has almost never been out of print since it was first published in 1623. He is also England's first important biographer, whose style set the standard for this genre. P. G.
Stanwood in his thoughtful account of Walton's life and work traces how this linen draper from an undistinguished family with minimal formal education rose to prominence in London's literary society and explores the qualities in his work that have contributed to its remarkably enduring popularity.
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Historiography, Literary art, Fishing, English prose literature, Biography as a literary form, History and criticism, Walton, Izaak, 1593-1683 -- Literary art., English prose literature -- Early modern, 1500-1700 -- History and criticism., Fishing -- England -- Historiography., Biography as a literary form., Writing skillPeople
Izaak Walton (1593-1683)Places
Early modern, 1500-1700Edition | Availability |
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 113-118) and index.
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