An edition of Word 2010 for Dummies (2010)

Word 2010 for Dummies

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An edition of Word 2010 for Dummies (2010)

Word 2010 for Dummies

A guide to using Microsoft Word 2010 that covers typing, editing, finding and replacing text, checking spelling, saving and publishing documents, formatting, tables, graphics, file formats, and other related topics.

Overview: Dan Gookin gets you up to speed so you can get down to work with all the new features of Word 2010! Bestselling and quintessential For Dummies author Dan Gookin employs his usual fun and friendly candor while walking you through the spectrum of new features of Word 2010. Completely in tune with the needs of the beginning Word user, Gookin shows you how to use Word quickly and efficiently so that you can spend more time working on your projects and less time trying to figure out how to make Word perform the tasks you need it to do. This newest edition of Word For Dummies explains how to navigate the user interface and take advantages of file formats, and skips the unnecessary jargon. Unparalleled author Dan Gookin applies his beloved For Dummies writing style to introduce you to all the features and functions of Word 2010; Escorts you through the capabilities of Word 2010 without weighing you down with unnecessary technical jargon; Deciphers the user interface and shows you how to take advantage of the file formats.

Publish Date
Wiley Pub., Inc.

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Previews available in: French English

Edition Availability
Cover of: Word 2010 F�r Dummies
Word 2010 F�r Dummies
2017, Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John
in German
Cover of: Word 2010 F�r Dummies
Word 2010 F�r Dummies
2012, Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John
in German
Cover of: Word 2010 F�r Dummies
Word 2010 F�r Dummies
2012, Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John
in German
Cover of: Word 2010
Word 2010
2010, Wiley & Sons, Limited, John
in German
Cover of: Word 2010 pour les nuls
Word 2010 pour les nuls
2010, First interactive
Texte imprimé / in French
Cover of: Word 2010 For Dummies®
Word 2010 For Dummies®
2010, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
eBook in English
Cover of: Word 2010 for Dummies
Word 2010 for Dummies
2010, Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John
in English
Cover of: Word 2010 for Dummies
Word 2010 for Dummies
2010, Wiley Pub., Inc.
in English
Cover of: Word 2010
Word 2010
Jun 24, 2010, Editions First

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Book Details

Table of Contents

About this book
How to use this book
Foolish assumptions
How this book is organized
Part 1: Your introduction to Word
Part 2: Your basic Word
Part 3: Formatting
Part 4: Spruce up a dull document
Part 5: Even more Word
Part 6: Part of tens
What's not here
Icons used in this book
Where to go from here
Part 1: Your Introduction to Word
Chapter 1: Hello, Word!
Getting Word started
Good, yet unimaginative, way to start Word
Better way to start Word
Best way to start Word
Start Word by opening a document
Looking at Word
Around the Word window
Blank place where you write
Mouse pointer in Word
Ending your Word processing day
Quit Word
Quit what you're doing without quitting Word
Set Word aside
Chapter 2: Typing Chapter
Behold the PC keyboard!
Follow the blinking cursor
When to whack the spacebar
Backup and erase keys
When to press that enter key
Stuff that happens while you type
Left end of the status bar
Between the pages
Spots and clutter in your text
Strange underlines and colored text
Part 2: Your Basic Word
Chapter 3: To And Fro In A Document
Scroll through a document
Using the vertical scroll bar
Using the horizontal scroll bar
Scrolling your document with the mouse
Move the insertion pointer
Commanding the insertion pointer with the mouse
Moving in small increments (basic arrow keys)
Moving from beginning to end
Browse buttons
Get back to where you once edited
Go to wherever with the go to command
Chapter 4: Text Editing
Remove text you don't want
Deleting single characters
Deleting a word
Deleting more than a word
Split and join paragraphs
Making two paragraphs from one
Making one paragraph from two
Soft and hard returns
Undo mistakes with undo haste
Redo, the Undo-Undo command
Redo, the repeat typing command
Chapter 5: Search For This, Replace It With That
Test happily found
Using the Find command
Using the traditional Find command
Finding more than text
finding stuff you can't type in
Finding formatting
Replace found text and stuff
Replacing it all at once
Finding and replacing formatting
Chapter 6: Blocks O' Text
Understanding blocks
Selecting blocks of text
Using the keyboard to select text
Marking a block with the mouse
Using the F8 to mark a block
Blocking the whole dang-doodle document
Deselecting a block
Manipulating blocks of text
Copying a block
Moving a block
Setting the pasted text format
Copying or moving a block with the mouse
Collecting and pasting
Looking at the clipboard pane
Pasting from the clipboard pane
Cleansing the clipboard pane
Chapter 7: Spell It Write
Hue right grate
Check your spelling
Dealing with on-the-fly spell checking
Dealing with words incorrectly flagged as being misspelled
Undoing the ignore all command
Removing words from the custom dictionary
AutoCorrect your common typos
Understanding AutoCorrect
Creating your own AutoCorrect entries
Undoing an AutoCorrect correction
Grammar be good
All-at-once document proofing
Control Word's proofing options
Changing spell-check and grammar settings
Perusing AutoCorrect options
Chapter 8: Documents And Such
What is a file?
New document
Save your stuff!
Saving a document the first time
Dealing with document-save errors
Saving or updating a document
Forgetting to save before you quit
Open a document
Using the open command
Opening a document icon
Accessing recently opened files
Opening more than one document at a time
Opening one document inside another
Close a document
Recover a draft
Chapter 9: Publish Your Document
Your document on paper
Preparing the printer
Previewing a document
Printing the whole document
Printing a specific page
Printing a range of pages
Printing a block
Printing more than one copy of something
Choosing another printer
Canceling a print job
Electronic publishing
Preparing a document for sharing
Sending a Word document by e-mail
Saving a Word document in a sharable format
Saving a Word document as a PDF
Part 3: Formatting
Chapter 10: Character Formatting
How to format characters
Basic character formatting
Changing the font
Applying character formats
Using less-common character attributes
Text transcending teeny to titanic
Understanding points
Setting the text size
Nudging text size
More colorful characters
Text formatting with the font dialog box
Changing text case
Removing character formatting
Chapter 11: Paragraph Formatting
How to format a paragraph
Where the paragraph formatting commands lurk
Paragraph justification and alignment
Line up on the left!
Everyone center!
Line up on the right!
Line up on both sides!
Make room before, after, or inside paragraphs
Setting the line spacing
Setting specific line spacing options
Making space between paragraphs
Paragraph indentation
Indenting the first line of a paragraph
Making a hanging indent (an outdent)
Indenting a whole paragraph
Who died and made this thing ruler?
Chapter 12: Tab Formatting
Once upon a tab
Standard left tab stop
Creating a two-tab paragraph thing
Center tab stop
Right tab stop
Making a right-stop, left-stop list
Building a two-column right stop list
Decimal tab
Bar tab
Tabs dialog box
Setting a tab in the tabs dialog box
Setting leader tabs
Tab stop, be gone!
Chapter 13: Page Formatting
Describe that page
Setting page size
Setting orientation (landscape or portrait)
Configuring the page margins
Using the Page Setup dialog box
Page numbering
Adding an automatic page number
Starting off with a different page number
Numbering with roman numerals
Removing page numbers
New pages from nowhere
Starting on a new page
Inserting a whole, blank page
Page froufrou
Coloring pages
Adding a watermark
Chapter 14: Document Formatting
Oft misunderstood yet useful concept of sections
Understanding sections
Creating a section
Using a section
Deleting a section break
Add a cover page (sneaky and quick)
Headers and footers
Adding a header or footer
Editing a header or footer
Making odd and even headers or footers
Removing the header and footer from the first page
Working with headers and footers in document sections
Removing a header or footer
Chapter 15: Word Formatting Styles
Big style overview
Understanding style types
Finding the styles in Word
Using a style
Understanding heading styles
Determining which style you're using
Switching to another style set
Unapplying a style
Make your own styles
Creating a style based on text you've already formatted
Creating a style from scratch
Modifying a style
Giving your style a shortcut key
Customizing the quick style gallery
Deleting a style
Chapter 16: Fun With Themes And Template Formatting
Theme of things
Applying a document theme
Modifying or creating a theme
Create instant documents by using templates
Starting a new document by using a template
Creating a template based on a document you already have
Making a new template from scratch
Modifying a template
Attaching a template to a document
Borrowing an existing document as a template
Chapter 17: Sundry Formatting
Weird and fun text attributes
Automatic formatting
Enjoying automagical text
Paragraph formatting tricks
Undoing an AutoFormat
Disabling the @#$%&! AutoFormat
Center a page, top to bottom
Steal this format!
Part 4: Spruce Up A Dull Document
Chapter 18: Lines And Colors
Basics of lines and colors
Using the border command button
Summoning the borders and shading dialog box
Using the shading command button
Lines, borders, and boxes
Putting a line above a heading
Boxing text or paragraphs
Boxing a title
Making rules
Drawing a fat, thick line
Putting a border around a page of text
Removing borders
Background colors and shading
Chapter 19: Able Tables
Suddenly there's a table in your document
Working with tables in word
Creating an instant table
Making a table "this" big
Drawing a table
Test in tables
Putting text into a table
Selecting text in a table
Converting text into a table
Turning a table back into plain text
Table formatting
Manipulating a table with the mouse
Adjusting the table
Designing a table
Deleting a table
Chapter 20: Columns Of Text
All about columns
Making more than three columns
Mixing column formats
Adjusting the columns in the columns dialog box
End of the column
Giving up and going back to one column
Ending multiple columns in the middle of a document
Using a column break
Chapter 21: Lots Of Lists
Lists with bullets and numbers
Making a bulleted list
Numbering a list
Creating a multilevel numbered list
Numbering lines on a page
Lists of document contents
Creating a table of contents
Building an index
Footnotes and endnotes
Chapter 22: Here Come The Graphics
Graphical goobers in your text
Plopping down a picture
Inserting clip art
Slapping down a shape
Saving time with SmartArt
Choosing a chart
Adding some WordArt
Taking a screenshot
Adding a caption
Deleting an image or artwork
Images in and around your text
Wrapping text around an image
Moving an image hither and thither
Image editing
Resizing an image
Cropping an image
Rotating an image
Changing an image's appearance
Arranging multiple images
Chapter 23: Even More Things To Insert In Your Document
Characters fun and funky
Nonbreaking spaces and hyphens
Typing characters such as U,C, and N
Inserting special characters and symbols
Spice up you document with a text box
Vast depth of fields
Placing a field in a document
Playing with fields
Date and time
Sticking the current date or time into a document
Typing date-and time keyboard shortcuts
Using the PrintDate field
Part 5: Even More Word
Chapter 24: Multiple Documents, Windows, And File Formats
Multiple document mania
Opening several documents at once
Switching between multiple documents
Viewing more than one document at a time
Comparing two documents side by side
Viewing the same document in multiple windows
Using the old split-screen trick
Many, many document types
Understanding document formats
Opening a non-word document
Saving a document in another file format
Converting an older Word document
Chapter 25: Word For Writers
Organize your thoughts
Entering outline view
Putting topics in the outline
Demoting a topic (creating subtopics)
Promoting a topic
Adding a text topic
Rearranging topics
Expanding and contracting topics
Printing an outline
Large document organization
Setting up for a large document
Creating a master document
Splitting a document
Improve you Word power
Finding the best word power
Finding the best word
Using the research task pane
Dan's writing tips
Writing for writers
Making every word count
Avoiding writer's block
Chapter 26: Let's Work This Out
Comments on your text
Adding a comment
Hiding comments
Reviewing comments
Printing comments (or not)
Deleting comments
Whip out the yellow highlighter
Look what they've done to my text, Ma
Comparing two versions of the same document
Tracking changes as you make them
Reviewing changes
Chapter 27: Mail Merge Mania
About mail merge
Understanding word's mail merge terminology
Reviewing the mail merge process
Main document
Creating a mail merge letter
Creating mail merge e-mail messages
Creating mail merge envelopes
Creating a mail merge directory
Recipient list
Creating a recipient list
Using an already created recipient list
Grabbing a recipient list from Outlook
Editing a recipient list
Fold in the fields
Mail merge Ho!
Previewing the merged documents
Merging to a new set of documents
Merging to the printer
Merging to e-mail
Chapter 28: Labels Of Love
Label thing
Here's a sheet of identical labels
Print that address list
Label trick with graphics
Chapter 29: More Custom Word
My, what big test you have!
Working the status bar zoom control
Using the Zoom commands
Better status bar
Word's changing interface
Finding the Quick Access toolbar
Customizing the Quick Access toolbar
Adding stuff to the ribbon
Part 6: Part Of Tens
Chapter 30: Ten Commandments Of Word
Thou shalt remember to save thy work
Thou shalt not use more than one space
Thou shalt not press enter at the end of each line
Thou shalt not neglect thy keyboard
Thou shalt not manually number thy pages
Thou shalt not use the enter key to start a new page
Thou shalt not forget thy undo command
Honor thy printer
Thou shalt have multiple document windows before thee
Neglecteth not windows
Chapter 31: Ten Cool Tricks
Automatic save with AutoRecover
Keyboard power!
Build your own fractions
Electronic bookmarks
Lock your document
Drop cap
Map you document
Add an envelope to your letter
Sort your text
Text that doesn't print
Chapter 32: Ten Bizarre Things
Make a macro
Developer tab
Document properties
Smart tags
Word and the internet
Chapter 33: Ten Avuncular Suggestions
Keep printer paper, toner, and supplies handy
Get some references
Keep your computer files organized
Add the junk later
Back up your work
Use AutoCorrect
Use those keyboard shortcuts
Try new things
Let Word do the work
Don't take it all too seriously

Edition Notes

Includes index.

Published in
Hoboken, NJ
--For dummies
Other Titles
Microsoft Word 2010 for dummies


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
Z52.5.M52 G6697 2010, Z52.5.M52 G66 2010, Z52.5.M52

The Physical Object

xviii, 390 p. :
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Internet Archive

Work Identifiers

Work ID

Work Description

Dan Gookin gets you up to speed so you can get down to work with all the new features of Word 2010! Bestselling and quintessential For Dummies author Dan Gookin employs his usual fun and friendly candor while walking you through the spectrum of new features of Word 2010. Completely in tune with the needs of the beginning Word user, Gookin shows you how to use Word quickly and efficiently so that you can spend more time working on your projects and less time trying to figure out how to make Word perform the tasks you need it to do. This newest edition of Word For Dummies explains how to navigate the user interface and take advantages of file formats, and skips the unnecessary jargon. Unparalleled author Dan Gookin applies his beloved For Dummies writing style to introduce you to all the features and functions of Word 2010 Escorts you through the capabilities of Word 2010 without weighing you down with unnecessary technical jargon Deciphers the user interface and shows you how to take advantage of the file formats The word on the street is that Word 2010 For Dummies is a must-read!

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