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What difference does theological thinking make? Does Christianity have any relevance for our secular, globalized, environmentally threatened world? Specifically formulated for undergraduate and seminary courses in theology, this volume answers a resounding yes. Gathering many respected and original Christian thinkers who have been inspired by the example and work of theologian Sallie McFague, this book engages such topics as God, Christ, revelation, eschatology, and church in three intertwined and pressing areas: (1) our religious life and language in a secularized, pluralistic society, (2) our newly globalized economic life, and (3) our threatened environmental life.
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Christianity, Wealth, Christian stewardship, Money, Christianity and culture, Religious aspects of Money, Religious aspects of Human ecology, Globalization, Religious aspects of Globalization, Human ecology, Religious aspects of Wealth, Christianisme et civilisation, Aspect religieux, Globalisering, Monnaie, Ekoteologi, Mondialisation, Pengar, Kristendom, Christianisme, Religiösa aspekter, Service chrétien, Kristendom och kultur, Écologie humaine, Richesse, Religious aspectsEdition | Availability |
Theology That Matters: Ecology, Economy And God
August 2006, Fortress Press
in English
- 1 edition
0800637941 9780800637941
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