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Pathophysiology: concepts of altered health states
2005, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
in English
- 7th ed.
0781749883 9780781749886
Pathophysiology: concepts of altered health states
1998, Lippincott
in English
- 5th ed.
0397554133 9780397554133
Pathophysiology: concepts of altered health states
1994, J.B. Lippincott Co.
in English
- 4th ed.
039754961X 9780397549610
Pathophysiology: concepts of altered health states
1990, Lippincott
in English
- 3rd ed.
0397547234 9780397547234
Pathophysiology: concepts of altered health states
1986, Lippincott
in English
- 2nd ed.
0397544812 9780397544813
Book Details
Table of Contents
Ch. 14. Alterations in the Immune Response / W. Michael Dunne. Ch. 15. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) / Susan E. Dietz. Ch. 16. Disorders of White Blood Cells and Lymphoid Tissues. Ch. 17. Alterations in Hemostasis / Kathryn J. Gaspard
Unit V. Alterations in Oxygenation of Tissues. Ch. 18. The Red Blood Cell and Alterations in Oxygen Transport / Kathryn J. Gaspard. Ch. 19. The Circulatory System and Control of Blood Flow. Ch. 20. Alterations in Blood Flow. Ch. 21. Alterations in Blood Pressure: Hypertension and Orthostatic Hypotension. Ch. 22. Control of Cardiac Function. Ch. 23. Alterations in Cardiac Function / Laura Burke and Carol Mattson Porth. Ch. 24. Heart Failure. Ch. 25. Circulatory Shock / Nancie Urban. Ch. 26. Control of Respiratory Function. Ch. 27. Alterations in Respiratory Function. Ch. 28. Alterations in Ventilation, Impaired Gas Exchange, and Respiratory Failure
Unit VI. Alterations in Fluids and Electrolytes. Ch. 29. Alterations in Fluids and Electrolytes.
Ch. 30. Alterations in Acid-Base Balance. Ch. 31. Control of Renal Function. Ch. 32. Alterations in Renal Function. Ch. 33. Renal Failure / Susan Gallagher-Lepak
Unit VII. Alterations in Genitourinary Function. Ch. 34. Alterations in Urine Elimination. Ch. 35. Structure and Function of the Male Genitourinary System / Stephanie M. Stewart. Ch. 36. Alterations in Structure and Function of the Male Genitourinary System / Stephanie M. Stewart. Ch. 37. Structure and Function of the Female Reproductive System / Patricia McCowen Mehring. Ch. 38. Alterations in Structure and Function of the Female Reproductive System / Patricia McCowen Mehring. Ch. 39. Sexually Transmitted Diseases / Patricia McCowen Mehring
Unit VIII. Alterations in Metabolism, Endocrine Function, and Nutrition. Ch. 40. Control of Gastrointestinal Function. Ch. 41. Alterations in Gastrointestinal Function. Ch. 42. Alterations in Function of the Hepatobiliary System and Exocrine Pancreas.
Ch. 43. Alterations in Nutritional Status / Joan Pleuss. Ch. 44. Mechanisms of Endocrine Control. Ch. 45. Alterations in Endocrine Control of Growth and Metabolism / Carol Mattson Porth and Linda S. Hurwitz. Ch. 46. Diabetes Mellitus / Carol Mattson Porth and Linda S. Hurwitz
Unit IX. Alterations in Neuromuscular Function. Ch. 47. Organization and Control of Neural Function / Edward W. Carroll and Robin L. Curtis. Ch. 48. Somatosensory Function and Pain / Sheila M. Curtis and Robin L. Curtis. Ch. 49. Normal and Altered Autonomic Nervous System Function / Carol Mattson Porth and Robin L. Curtis. Ch. 50. Alterations in Motor Function / Robin L. Curtis and Sylvia Eichner McDonald. Ch. 51. Disorders of Brain Function / Sheila M. Curtis, Patrick Walsh and Robin L. Curtis. Ch. 52. Alterations in Vision / Sheila M. Curtis and Edward W. Carroll. Ch. 53. Alterations in Hearing and Vestibular Function / Robin L. Curtis and Carol Mattson Porth.
Ch. 54. Degenerative, Demyelinating, and Neoplastic Disorders of the Nervous System
Unit X. Alterations in Skeletal Support and Movement. Ch. 55. Structure and Function of the Skeletal System. Ch. 56. Alterations in Skeletal Function: Trauma and Infection / Kathleen E. Gunta. Ch. 57. Alterations in Skeletal Function: Congenital Disorders, Metabolic Bone Disease, and Neoplasms / Kathleen E. Gunta. Ch. 58. Alterations in Skeletal Function: Rheumatic Disorders / Janice Smith Pigg and Debra Ann Bancroft.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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