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Church music, Anecdotes, Music in churchesPeople
James Lyon (1735-1794)Edition | Availability |
A Second edition: (with necessary improvements, which now render the sense entirely plain) of The lawfulness, excellency and advantage of instrumental music, in the public worship of God, but chiefly of organs [Two lines of quotations]
1981, Printed by Andrew Steuart, and sold at his printing-office, at the Bible-in-Heart in Second-Street
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in English
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Edition Notes
In fact a satire upon, rather than a second edition of, James Lyon's The lawfulness, excellency, and advantage of instrumental musick in the publick worship of God urg'd and enforc'd ... Philadelphia : William Dunlap, 1763 (Evans 9424). Evans' entry for a second edition of Lyon's work (Evans 9425) may be a ghost of the present work.
Attributed to Francis Hopkinson by Bristol and Shipton & Mooney. However, O.G. Sonneck, in Francis Hopkinson ... and James Lyon, 1905, finds the evidence to be inconclusive, and suggests John Todd, A.M., as another possible author. That Andrew Steuart was printer further undermines the attribution to Hopkinson, as the two were involved in a dispute in 1763 concerning other publications. Cf. Hastings, G.E. The life and works of Francis Hopkinson, 1926.
Microfiche (negative). Louisville, Ky. : Lost Cause Press, 1981. 2 sheets ; 11 x 15 cm.
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