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Born in an overcrowded slum near Glasgow in 1813, David Livingstone spent his boyhood and youth working in a cotton mill. Yet he still found time to educate himself and eventually became a doctor. He went to Africa as a medical missionary in 1841 and stayed for thirty years. Missionary, geographer, astronomer, ethnologist, anthropologist, chemist, and botanist, he discovered the Victoria Falls and the source of the Congo and made the first authenticated European crossing of the continent. Published to coincide with the centenary of Livingstone's death in 1873, this book is a comprehensive biography of his life which uses an abundance of new source material to understand the man and separate him from the deeply ingrained legend.
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Missionaries, Explorers, Medical Missionaries, Subsaharan Africa, Biographies (form), Travel, Biography, Central, Discoveries in geography, Adventurers & Explorers, Historical, BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY, Discovery and exploration, Livingstone, david, 1813-1873, Africa, discovery and exploration, Africa, sub-saharan, description and travel, Great britain, biographyPlaces
AfricaEdition | Availability |
Livingstone: Revised and Expanded Edition
2013, Yale University Press
in English
1299159966 9781299159969
Livingstone: Revised and Expanded Edition
2013, Yale University Press
in English
0300192126 9780300192124
2013, Yale University Press
in English
- Revised and expanded ed.
0300191006 9780300191004
September 1, 2001, Yale University Press
in English
- New Ed edition
0300091028 9780300091021
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Book Details
Edition Notes
Bibliography: p. [391]-394.
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Edition Identifiers
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Scriblio MARC recordUniversity of Prince Edward Island MARC record
Internet Archive item record
marc_openlibraries_phillipsacademy MARC record
marc_claremont_school_theology MARC record
Library of Congress MARC record
Internet Archive item record
marc_claremont_school_theology MARC record
Better World Books record
marc_columbia MARC record
harvard_bibliographic_metadata record
Work Description
This book is an extensively revised edition of Tim Jeal's classic biography published to mark the bicentenary of the great explorer. David Livingstone (1813–1873) is revered as one of history's greatest explorers and missionaries, the first European to cross Africa, and the first to find Victoria Falls and the source of the Congo River. In this exciting new edition, Jeal draws on fresh sources and archival discoveries to provide the most fully rounded portrait of this complicated man -- dogged by failure throughout his life despite his full share of success. Using Livingstone's original field notebooks, Jeal finds that the explorer's problems with his African followers were far graver than previously understood. From recently discovered letters he elaborates on the explorer's decision to send his wife Mary back home to England. He also uncovers fascinating information about Livingstone's importance to the British Empire and about his relationship with the journalist-adventurer Henry Morton Stanley. In addition Jeal here evokes the full pathos of the explorer's final journey. This masterful, updated biography also features an excellent selection of new maps and illustrations. - Publisher.
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June 17, 2022 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
June 28, 2021 | Edited by Bryan Tyson | Edited without comment. |
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