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"Singapore Math provides students with math practice while developing their analytical and problem-solving skills. This series is correlated to Singapore Math textbooks and creates a deep understanding of each key math concept. Learning objectives are provided to identify what students should know after completing each unit, and assessments are included to assure learners obtain a thorough understanding of mathematical concepts. Perfect as a supplement to classroom work, these workbooks will boost confidence in problem-solving and critical-thinking skills."--Back cover
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Singapore math. Level 4 A & B: workbook
2015, Thinking Kids, an imprint of Carson-Dellosa Publishing LLC, Thinking Kids
in English
1483813215 9781483813219
Book Details
Edition Notes
"Correlated to current state standards"--Cover
"CD-704682"--Back cover
Grade 5.
The Physical Object
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Work Description
For children in Grade 5
This supplemental workbook is correlated to the Singapore Math Level 4 A & Level 4 B curriculum and provides students with additional math practice and opportunities to develop their analytical and pr oblem-solving skills.
This Level 4 workbook covers whole numbers; line graphs and tables; fractions; angles; perpendicular and parallel lines; rectangles and squares; decimals; time; money; symmetry; tessellations and more.
Organized by unit and lesson, worksheets provide additional examples and problems to solve, as well as periodic reviews. A mid-review and final-review with challenge questions provide opportunities for assessment. For teachers or parents, an introduction to Singapore Math is included at the beginning with explanations for all the techniques used in this workbook, as well as learning objectives. A linelisted answer key included at the back of the book.
"Singapore Math provides students with math practice while developing their analytical and problem-solving skills. This series is correlated to Singapore Math textbooks and creates a deep understanding of each key math concept. Learning objectives are provided to identify what students should know after completing each unit, and assessments are included to assure learners obtain a thorough understanding of mathematical concepts. Perfect as a supplement to classroom work, these workbooks will boost confidence in problem-solving and critical-thinking skills."--Back cover
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