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"An increasing number of African smallholders are moving from subsistence farming to selling at least part of their output. To shift successfully to a more commercial footing they need a lot more than the production advice traditionally provided by extension services. They need to understand how markets work. They also need advice on postharvest handling, help with business planning and marketing, assistance with organization, information on prices, links to buyers and credit, help with contracts and standards, and many other types of assistance. These agricultural business development services are provided by a mix of private companies, NGOs, cooperatives and government agencies - in what is called a 'pluralistic extension system'"--Page 4 of cover.
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The business of agricultural business services: working with smallholders in Africa
2013, Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Agri-ProFocus
in English
9460222366 9789460222368
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Includes bibliographical references (pages 172-173).
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