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"This book grows out of a desire to come to grips with our new context. Until a few decades ago we believed that Norway was for Norwegians. And Norwegians were Christian - most of them even Lutheran. Slowly at first, but then with increasing momentum, our neighbourhoods and villages changed from being mono-cultural and mono-religious into something less Norwegian, but more like a rainbow society. This book brings together the presentations of a symposium on these issues. It featured two international keynote speakers, Robert Schreiter and Kirsteen Kim, as well as a group of presenters and respondents, to discuss and reflect on the challenges to witnessing to Christ in societies with multiple faith traditions."--Publisher
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Previews available in: English
Evangelistic work, Congresses, Religious pluralism, Christianity, Évangélisation, Congrès, RELIGION, Christian Life, Spiritual Growth, Norway, religionPlaces
NorwayEdition | Availability |
Witnessing to Christ in a multi-religious context
2015, Regnum Books International
in English
1912343649 9781912343645
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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