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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
Devils Will Reign: How Nevada Began (Wilbur S. Shepperson Series in Nevada History)
September 2007, University of Nevada Press
in English
0874177243 9780874177244
Devils will reign: how Nevada began
2006, University of Nevada Press
in English
0874176638 9780874176636
Book Details
First Sentence
"IT WAS A TIME when mighty pines unbitten by the ax still stood tall in the Sierra Nevada, deer moved softly through the forest shade, rivers rippled in clear cascades down the eastern slope to flow more gently through valleys of deep grass and lose themselves in desert lakes and marshes, antelope still flicked their short white tails and bounded with springing leaps across sage-sprinkled hills quilted with tall bunches of Indian rice grass, and golden eagles soared above the mountain chains that crossed the desert, north to south, again and again, from the Sierra Nevada almost to the Great Salt Lake."
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