An obvious way to begin a text about statistics is to pose the rhetorial question What is statistics?
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Previews available in: English
Statistics, Psychometrics, Study and teaching (Higher), Mathematical models, Psychology, E tude et enseignement (Supe rieur), Statistiques, Psychologie, Education, Mode les mathe matiques, Einfu hrung, Psychome trie, Psychological Models, Statistik, Einfuhrung, Etude et enseignement (Superieur), Modeles mathematiques, Psychometrie, Estatistica aplicada a psicologia, Psicometria, Psychométrie, Modèles mathématiques, Einführung, Étude et enseignement (Supérieur), Theoretical Models, Statistical methods, Statistics as Topic, Statistics, study and teachingEdition | Availability |
Explaining psychological statistics
2008, Wiley, John Wiley [distributor]
in English
- 3rd ed.
0470007184 9780470007181
Explaining Psychological Statistics
October 12, 2007, Wiley
in English
- 3 edition
0470007184 9780470007181
3 |
4 |
Book Details
Edition Notes
Previous ed.: 2000.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Oregon Libraries MARC recordLibrary of Congress MARC record
Library of Congress MARC record
Library of Congress MARC record
Library of Congress MARC record
Internet Archive item record
Better World Books record
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An obvious way to begin a text about statistics is to pose the rhetorial question What is statistics?
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