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How did Renaissance composers write their music? In this revolutionary look at a subject that has fascinated scholars for years, musicologist Jessie Ann Owens offers new and striking evidence that contrary to accepted theory, sixteenth-century composers did not use scores to compose - even to write complex vocal polyphony.
Her research demonstrates that instead of working in full score, Renaissance composers fashioned the music in parts, often working with brief segments, according to a linear conception. The importance of this discovery on editorial interpretation and on performance cannot be overstated.
This book will change the way we analyze and understand early music. Clear, provocative, and painstakingly researched, Composers at Work: The Craft of Musical Composition 1450-1600 makes essential reading for scholars of Renaissance music as well as those working in related fields such as sketch studies and music theory.
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
Composers at Work: The Craft of Musical Composition 1450-1600
October 30, 1998, Oxford University Press, USA
in English
0195129040 9780195129045
Composers at Work: The Craft of Musical Composition, 1450-1600
1998, Oxford University Press, Incorporated
in English
0198025572 9780198025573
Composers at Work: The Craft of Musical Composition, 1450-1600
1998, Oxford University Press
in English
1280472219 9781280472213
Composers at work: the craft of musical composition 1450-1600
1997, Oxford University Press
in English
0195095774 9780195095777
Book Details
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (p. 315-333) and indexes.
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Scriblio MARC recordIthaca College Library MARC record
Library of Congress MARC record
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Better World Books record
Internet Archive item record
marc_columbia MARC record
harvard_bibliographic_metadata record
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