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"Provides a critical and historical introduction to the core themes and influential thinkers that helped to shape contemporary human science approaches to psychotherapy"--Provided by publisher
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Psychotherapy as a human science
2006, Duquesne University Press
in English
0820703788 9780820703787
Book Details
Table of Contents
Psychotherapy and philosophy
Truth, method, and the limits of reason: Descartes and Pascal
Reason, the unconscious, and history: Kant, Hegel, and Marx
Angst, authenticity, and ressentiment: Kierkegaard and Nietzsche
Psychology as a human science: Dilthey and Husserl
Psychology of the unconscious: Freud and Jung
Phenomenology and human experience: Scheler, Jaspers, and Heidegger
Modes of relatedness: Buber, Binswanger, and Boss
Recognition and the limits of reciprocity: Sartre, Lacan, and Laing
Psychoanalysis and intersubjectivity: Sullivan, Fromm, Merleau-Ponty, Benjamin, and Stolorow
Psychotherapy and postmodernism
Clinical postscript
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (p. 299-318) and index
The Physical Object
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