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It is a collection of representative writings of Gurudeva Rabindranath Tagore. The book is published by Visva Bharati in 1964. The book contains eight stories, a novel, 14 essays, a drama and as many as 49 poems. ‘Boundless Sky’ is title of one of the poems – which is adopted for the collection. The original cost of the book is Rs. 14.50
The stories are: The Hidden Treasure; Cloud and Sun; Mahamaya; The Conclusion; The Parrot's Training; The Trial of the Horse; Old Man's Ghost and Great News.
The novel is: Broken Ties
The Essays are: Civilization and Progress; The Religion of an Artist; A Poet's School; The Principle of Literature; Message to the Parliament of Religions; Address at the Parliament of Religions; The Philosophy of Leisure; Ideals of Education; The Educational Mission of the Visva-Bharati; The Changing Age; Religious Education; Mahatma Gandhi; Satyam, Race Conflict.
The drama is: The Dancing Girl's Worship
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Visva-Bharati, Education, Religion, Art, PoetryEdition | Availability |
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Translation of selected stories, essays, poems, etc.
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October 11, 2020 | Edited by Gustav-Landauer-Bibliothek Witten | persons |
October 9, 2011 | Edited by Savita Kulkarni | Edited without comment. |
August 4, 2010 | Edited by Anand Chitipothu | merge authors |
February 12, 2010 | Edited by WorkBot | add more information to works |
October 26, 2009 | Created by WorkBot | add works page |