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"The linguistic turn in German philosophy was initiated in the eighteenth century in the work of Johann Georg Hamann, Johann Gottfried von Herder, and Wilhelm von Humboldt. It was further developed in this century by Martin Heidegger, and Hans-Georg Gadamer extended its influence to contemporary philosphers such as Karl-Otto Apel and Jurgen Habermas. This tradition focuses on the world-disclosing dimension of language, emphasizing its communicative over its cognitive function.".
"Although this study is concerned primarily with the German tradition of linguistic philosophy, it is very much informed by the parallel linguistic turn in Anglo-American philosophy, especially the development of theories of direct reference."--BOOK JACKET.
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The Linguistic Turn in Hermeneutic Philosophy (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought)
August 7, 2002, The MIT Press
in English
026262169X 9780262621694
The Linguistic Turn in Hermeneutic Philosophy (Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought)
December 10, 1999, The MIT Press
in English
0262122170 9780262122177
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Library of Congress MARC recordPromise Item
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Better World Books record
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Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought
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