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"The battle with the Morrigan may be over but Jack Flint's quest is only just beginning. As the Morrigan struggles with our three adventurers, she hurls Corriwen Redthorn through a gateway and into an unknown world. Jack and Kerry know they must follow and find her - and, unlike Corrie who is alone and afraid, they have the Book of Ways to help them."--Publisher's description.
"El invierno se cierne sobre Eirinn, la tierra está paralizada por un frío glacial: la primavera y el verano nunca llegarán, Jack Flint y su mejor amigo, Kerry, deben adentrarse en este mundo desconocido en busca de Corriwen Redthorn. En su larga aventura se enfrentan a los temibles gigantes y a los implacables corremontes, por no mencionar a Dermot 'el Lobo' y su temida hechicera, Fainn. Juntos batallarán por salvar a la tierra de una eterna magia negra.
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8466610138 9788466610131
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