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"Brilliant examination of the Italian bibliographer who lent his considerable talents to the Rosas regime in the mid 1800s. Though de Angelis might have had questionable politics, his contribution to Latin American scholarship was tremendous; he assembled and organized a vitally important collection of books, maps, documents, and pamphlets on the early history of the Plata still used today. Sabor's prize-winning study is part biography, part bibliographical essay, and wholly erudite. Recommended"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.
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Bibliography, Biography, Bibliographers, Historians, HistoryPeople
Pedro de Angelis (1784-1859)Places
ArgentinaEdition | Availability |
Pedro de Angelis y los orígenes de la bibliografía argentina: ensayo bio-bibliográfico
1995, Ediciones Solar
in Spanish
9509086347 9789509086340
Book Details
Edition Notes
Bibliography of works by and about Pedro de Angelis: p. 269-445.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
At head of title: Academia Nacional de la Historia.
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