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"Con Memorias del siglo Ana Mitila Lora ha construido nuevos nichos para que dominicanas y dominicanos enriquezcamos los recuerdos de quienes nos antecedieron, abriendo un espacio de entendimiento social más amplio. En mdeio de muchas tumbas históricas, ha despejado un terreno para cultivar una "memoria justa" que nos motive a luchar por una vida más digna para todas y todos en este siglo XXI quisqueyano."--Page 4 of cover.
Compilation of 51 interviews and chronicles originally published in the Listín Diario between January 1999 and April 2000 with the purpose of capturing the collective memory of life in 20th century Dominican Republic through oral testimony interviews of octogenarians of all walks of life including doctors, barbers, teachers, historians, politicians, priests, a mid wife, poet, ex guerrillas and a North American immigrant, among others.
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Social life and customs, History, Histoire, Manners and customsTimes
20th century, 20e siècleShowing 1 featured edition. View all 1 editions?
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Memoria del siglo
2018, Editorial Universitaria Bonó, Ediciones MSC
in Spanish
- 1 era edición, 2018.
9945914006 9789945914009
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