An edition of Gute form, boa forma (2021)

Gute form, boa forma

design no Brasil, 1947-68 = Gute form, good design : design in Brazil, 1947-68

Primeira edição.
Gute form, boa forma
João Paulo Siqueira Lopes, Fer ...

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January 25, 2025 | History
An edition of Gute form, boa forma (2021)

Gute form, boa forma

design no Brasil, 1947-68 = Gute form, good design : design in Brazil, 1947-68

Primeira edição.

A book on the institutionalization of design in Brazil and its relationship with the origins of the concrete art movement and the Ulm School of Design in Germany. At the same time that presents the concept of "gute form" (good design) and its presence in Brazil, it concludes how this influence was, in a way, inconclusive . The publication traces the trajectory of the professionals, the works and the visual thinking of the HfG Ulm and the Brazilian institutes founded for the development of design in Brazil, such as the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), linked to the Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand (Masp), and the Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial (ESDI), in Río de Janeiro. The book draws clear lines between the production of names such as the Swiss Max Bill, German designers Otl Aicher and Karl Heinz Bergmiller and Brazilian artists Lygia Pape, Almir Mavignier and Geraldo de Barros.concretism.

Publish Date
Act., Turner

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Book Details

Table of Contents

Exposições Introdução = Introduction / Livia Debbane
Meu mestre Max Bill = My teacher Max Bill / Karl Heinz Bergmiller
Linha do tempo = Timeline / Bárbara García e Ilana Tschiptschin
Max Bill: da Bauhaus ao Brasil = Max Bill: from Bauhaus to Brazil / Rodrigo Palva
Concretismo aplicado: o exercício do design moderno no Instituto da Arte Contemporânea do MASP = Applied concretism: the exercise of moderno design at the Maspœs Institute of Contemporary Art / Ethel Leon
O asterisco: Tomás Maldonado e o design no MAM Brasil = The asterisk: Tomás Maldonadoe and the design at MAM Rio/ Aleça Le Blancc
Evolução, interrupção e continuidade: os primeiros anos da Escola de Ulm = Evolution, interruption and continuity: the first years of the Ulm School of Design / David Oswald
A contribuição de Mary Vieira para o design brasileiro e internacional = The contribution of Mary Vieira to Brazilian and international design / Malou von Miralt
As viagens de Almir Mavignier pelo boa formaʺ = Almir Mavignier's travels in "good form" / Julieta González Alexander Wollner, designer dos anos 1950 e do século XXI = Alexander Wollner, designer of the 1950s and 21st century / Chico Homem de Melo
A Esdi e o MAM Rio no design moderno no Rio de Janeiro = Esdi and MAM Rio in modern design in Rio de Janeiro / Pedro Luiz Pereira de Souza
Entre a prancheta, a indústria e o canteiro: Ulm a Esdi e a arquitetura carioca = Between the drawing board, the industry and the building site: Ulm, Esdi and the carioca architecture / Ana Luiza Nobre
O papel social do artista: um sobrevoo nas práticas de Pape, Cordeiro e Barros = The social role of the artista: an overview in the practices of Pape, Barros and Cordeiro / Felipe Scovino
Geraldo de Barros e o concretismo = Geraldo de Barros and concretism / Mina Warchavchik
Experiencia brasileira: ou a consciência crítica da boa forma = Brazilian experience: or the critical awareness of good design / Alexandre Benoit

Edition Notes

Includes bibliographical references (page 221).

Texts in Portuguese and English.

Published in
São Paulo], Madrid
Arte y foto, Arte y foto
Other Titles
Gute form, good design :, Design no brasil, 1947-68 :, Boa forma


Library of Congress
NK1390 .G88 2021, NK1433.A1B63 2021

The Physical Object

223 pages
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library

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