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Responding to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 11 to 'make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable', Inclusive Urbanism reveals a wide variety of approaches to promoting social inclusion. Questions of architecture and urbanism are considered alongside those of landscape design, urban geography and city planning. 'As the title suggests, the content is divided into three parts: research, education and practice. A conceptual framework is offered in the opening part along with a theoretical embedding of the term 'inclusiveness'. Here the discussion also encompasses the latest results of urban planning research. In the second part, the focus turns to university teaching. Do we need new teaching formats, and if so, how can these be designed to ease students into the topic of 'inclusive urbanism'? The third part of the book offers diverse examples of spatial design, urban laboratories, planning and co-production processes, all presented with their respective possibilities for boosting inclusion. Consciously international in outlook, the book identifies practices in both the Global North and Global South. Inclusive Urbanism brings together selected contributions presented at an international conference on 'Urban Studies' held at the TU Dresden in November 2018. The conference was jointly organized by the TU Dresden, the TU Delft, the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development in Dresden, the Czech Technical University of Prague and the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
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Sustainable development, City planningEdition | Availability |
Inclusive urbanism: advances in research, education and practice
2020, BK Books
in English
9463663177 9789463663175
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