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The primary goal of this bibliographic research was to present a corpus of books on Jews and Judaism created on the territory of today's Serbia. Therefore, the author was guided by predetermined criteria. The first of them is thematic - she was looking for books that, in different ways and to different degrees, touch on the topic of Jews and Judaism. The second criterion is territorial - the publications that were created on the territory of the state of Serbia within its present borders have been processed. The third is the period of time - the books that were published from 1837, when, according to the research of Jennie Lebl, the first Jewish book was printed in Belgrade, until 2017, when this research was completed, were collected. The bibliography of books on Jews and Judaism contains 1,113 bibliographic items. For clarity, the material is divided into three chapters. The first chapter, which contains 1,032 bibliographic items and forms the predominant part of the Bibliography, describes monographic publications that were published on the territory of Serbia from 1837 to 2017. In the second chapter, there is the so-called non-book material, i.e. electronic sources dedicated to Jews and Judaism in Serbia. The third chapter contains monographic publications that have not been published in Serbia but refer to its Jewish heritage: this chapter includes works whose authors are Jews of Serbian origin, as well as publications published by the Association of Jews of Yugoslav origin in Israel (Hitahdut ole Yugoslavia). For the better informativeness of the Bibliography, each of its three chapters is accompanied by three, alphabetically arranged, registers - authors, subject and title register. The bibliography on Jews and Judaism is also enriched with photographs and motifs from the covers of publications.
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Jews, Bibliography, JudaismPlaces
SerbiaEdition | Availability |
Bibliografija knjiga o Jevrejima i jevrejstvu štampanih u Srbiji od 1837. do 2017. godine
2021, Narodna biblioteka Srbije
in Serbian
8670354659 9788670354654
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Serbian Cyrillic.
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